Best time to visit Alaska

Denali in Alaska 2024

The highest mountain peak in​ North America is located in Alaska. Are you ready to conquer it?

Best time: May–July


Denali, also known by its former official name Mount McKinley, towers above the national preserve at 6,190 m above sea level. It attracts alpinists and climbers from all around the world. And not without reason! Such natural beauty is undeniably impressive. For this trip, you should be in good physical shape and have a lot of mountaineering experience. For newbies, it would be too difficult a task. Start your hike in Ma​y, but no later than July. Otherwise,​ Alaska's severe nature may get the best of you.

Practical info

When is the best time to climb Denali?

The most favorable period for climbing Denali is between May and July because of stable weather conditions. It is not without challenges, as the route is tricky and changeable, so climbers should approach it with a guide. Temperatures at basecamp in the summer months averagely hover around -10°C. However, in winter, highly dangerous storms and unstable snow make exploration too dangerous to recommend. Show more

Where is Denali located?

Denali is in Denali National Park and Preserve, in the central part of the Alaska range in the south-central region of Alaska, USA. Accessible through the Denali Park Road or Parks Highway, it is located approximately 240 miles north of Anchorage and 120 miles southwest of Fairbanks. Denali peak explores numerous glaciers and is a critical landmark of the region. Show more

What is the height of Denali?

Denali is the tallest peak in the Western and Northern hemispheres, towering at 6,190m (20,310 ft) above sea level. The surrounding glaciers have melted in the previous decades, which denotes the vitalness for deep understanding of adequate weather and gear conditions. The sheer height of the mountain and acute altitude sickness makes sure that only proficient mountaineers should attempt to climb Denali. Show more

How difficult is it to climb Denali?

Climbing Denali is strenuous and requires advanced mountaineering skills, making it a daunting experience. Apart from highly changeable weather, the route can be complicated and trying. At such high altitudes, acute altitude sickness is another challenge climbers often need to contend with. Denali is also relatively remote and only accessible through a guided tour. Besides backcountry travel and camping experience, snow, ice, and strong winds pose significant additional hurdles. Show more

What level of experience is required to climb Denali?

Climbing Denali is for advanced mountaineers, requiring significant prior experience to participate safely. Being in premium physical condition and acclimatized to high altitudes are critical. A backpacking, camping, and glacier experience is vital, as it sharpens the necessary skills for technical mountaineering. Trainings in proper glacier travel techniques and crevasse rescue skills are further vital prerequisites. It is recommended to have a guide or an experienced climber accompany less experienced individuals, owing to the skill and knowledge required at the high altitude. Show more

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