
Best time to travel to British Columbia

Grizzly Bear Watching in British Columbia 2025

Take a close look at grizzly bears in the mountains

Best time: mid-May–October

A bear and cub on Whistler Mountain
Fighting Grizzlybear cubs out of the Telegraph Cove on northern Vancouver Island
Grizzy Bear - Grouse Mountain

Bears are forest and mountain inhabitants in North America, widely spread in British Columbia, Alaska, the Yellowstone National Park, and other territories. If you want to take a step into their everyday life, Vancouver's valleys, coasts, and mountain regions are the places to go. From mid-May till late October, they roam around searching for food. Around 50 bears live in the forests around Whistler.

You can join one of the bear-watching tours provided in this region. Guides know a lot about these animals, their personalities, behaviour, and even their names. During such tours, you can come across deer and other wildlife as well. Grouse Moutain is a perfect place for grizzly sightings as well. Grinder and Coola are two orphaned bears that live on the top of the mountain. As a rule, bears do not come close to humans, but local people are "bear wise" and know how to behave. Summer is the prime time to come for bear sightings.

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