Best time to go to Canary Islands

Fuerteventura Kite Festival 2022 in Canary Islands

Three days full of fun, pleasure, colour, and wind

Dates: November 9–12, 2023

Fuerteventura Kite Festival
Fuerteventura Kite Festival

Every year in November, La Playa del Burro, a beach situated in the dunes of Corralejo becomes a main stage for the International Kite Festival. Since 1987 the beauty of this event has been drawing more and more people from around the globe. The variety of kites' shapes and colours is truly amazing. People that have visited this event once usually end up returning again and again. There's even a club named "The Fuerteventura Kite Family" which includes people who were present at the first festival and since that time have come every year. This event lasts for three days. Everything starts on Friday when everyone is invited to let his or her kite fly. This day is also called a "free fly." On Saturday people show their craftsmanship and skills of controlling their kites. There is also a night display on Saturday. Sunday offers the biggest fun. More than a hundred kites are given out to children. Little Teddy bears even parachute and drop sweets. There is also a battle between two kites till one falls from the sky. And, of course, lots of prizes are ​given to the participants.

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