
Best time to visit France

Vichy Spa in France 2025-2026

Engage in the recreational activities of the highest society of “la belle époque”

Best time: all year round

Vichy Opera

The town of Vichy is known as the Queen of spas, with Napoleon III being its most prominent and loyal guest. As a result of this popularity, the town was built up to be beautiful and sophisticated. The waters of Vichy contain a variety of useful elements and minerals. The sparkling springs also attract people with great service and food.

The streets of Vichy are old and elegant, the parks are green, and all the infrastructure is very convenient. These factors make the city really attractive to those who enjoy spas and want their health to be royally good. Various modern facilities, including casino and boating activities, make the resort an interesting place for people of all ages. This spa resort is located in a village, in the central part of France.

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