Best time to visit by weather Vienna



°C /°F
12°C -3°C
WeatherDecember 26January 04

Based on historical data we estimate temperature to be between -3..12°C with average daylight time of about hours.

Last updated:

Vienna weather in January

6.1/10 score
3° average
average temperatures
52.8 mm
8h 31m
daylight duration
The first month of the year is the coldest in Vienna. The temperatures often fall below freezing at night and stay slightly above freezing during the day. Strong winds add to the cold. January is also the snowiest month in Vienna. Moderate snow and light rain are the most typical forms of precipitation this month. There are about 15 wet days in Vienna in January. Half of them have snow, the rest have rain or freezing rain. The skies are mostly cloudy, there are about 2 hours of sunshine. January is one of the darkest and gloomiest months in the city. However, Vienna’s beautiful architecture looks truly stunning under the fresh coat of snow. If you feel tempted to see wintertime Vienna, pack a heavy winter jacket, winter boots, a hat and a pair of gloves.

Vienna weather in February

6.3/10 score
4° average
average temperatures
36.7 mm
8h 36m
daylight duration
The last month of winter is slightly warmer than January, but still cold and wet. Temperature balances near freezing levels. At best you can count on 5- 6°C (43°F). The nights are often freezing and icy. Sudden cold waves can bring colder temperatures and winds. Days are still short, and there are no more than 3.5 hours of sunshine on average. The skies are cloudy and dark. Light snow and rain are the most typical kinds of precipitation in Vienna in February. Snow rarely stays on the ground for a long time, but Vienna looks really beautiful when under the snow. This view is the main attraction of the season. Overall, February is not the best time to be in the city. If you do plan to visit, pack lots of warm winter clothes and footwear.

Vienna weather in March

6.8/10 score
9° average
average temperatures
43.9 mm
9h 46m
daylight duration
The weather takes a turn for the better in mid-March. While the beginning of the month still reminds of winter, the second half feels a lot like spring. The temperatures get higher during the day and night. Freezing temperatures are rare. Snow becomes rare too. Instead, rains get more frequent. Skies are not as cloudy as in the winter. Clear days get more common. There are now about 5 hours of sunshine, which makes people want to stay outside for longer. There are 13 rainy days this month. Usually, it’s light and moderate rain. So pack an umbrella or some waterproof clothes. You will also need some warm layers for sudden cold waves that still might occur in March.

Vienna weather in April

7.6/10 score
Very good
14° average
average temperatures
50.1 mm
11h 27m
daylight duration
Spring is in the air! Fresh greenery and flowers make Vienna’s landscape especially festive. Temperatures in midday reach comfortable 16°C (61°F). It gets very pleasant to sit in outdoor cafes enjoying the sun. There are over six hours of sunshine per day on average, which is great for sightseeing and hiking. It’s time to explore Vienna’s parks and forests. But don’t forget an umbrella, since spring is quite rainy in Vienna. There are about 13 rainy days this month. But rains are short and moderate. The skies are mostly clear and bright. If you decide to visit Vienna in April, pack a light jacket and some warm layers in case of a cold wave.

Vienna weather in May

8/10 score
17° average
average temperatures
83.6 mm
13h 14m
daylight duration
May is a beautiful time in Vienna. It also marks the transition to warm summer-like weather. Parks and gardens are especially beautiful due to fresh greenery and blooms. The temperatures are comfortable and mild, and the days are mostly sunny and bright. It's a great time to go hiking or walking in the lush green landscapes or explore the city, making stops at outdoor cafes and patios. With 8-10 hours of daily sunshine, you can fill your 24 hours with many kinds of outdoor activities. The spring is always rainy in Vienna, and May is no exception. There are 13 wet days this month. However, rains are mostly light and moderate. They are followed by clear skies. Pack a light jacket or sweater for late evenings in Vienna, but generally, you will only need summer clothes during this month.

Vienna weather in June

7.9/10 score
Very good
21° average
average temperatures
82.1 mm
14h 52m
daylight duration
June is the wettest month in Vienna. However, it doesn’t mean that it rains all the time. On the contrary, June is sunny and warm in Vienna. It’s an excellent time for sightseeing, hiking, cycling or any kind of outdoor activity due to moderate temperature and up to ten hours of sunshine. On some days you can already experience hot temperatures in the 30s°C (90s°F) range, but usually, it’s more comfortable. There are 14 days with precipitation in June. Heavy rain showers are typical for this season. Thunderstorms are also possible as well as light rain. So don’t forget to pack an umbrella. But you will probably need a sunscreen lotion more often.

Vienna weather in July

7.3/10 score
Very good
24° average
average temperatures
93.9 mm
15h 54m
daylight duration
Summer reaches its peak in July, which is the hottest and the sunniest month in Vienna. During midday, you can experience temperatures in the 30°sC (90s°F), however, generally, Vienna summers are quite moderate. It’s a great time to go sightseeing, hiking or walking in numerous parks and gardens, try water sports near lakes and rivers. With about eleven hours of daily sunshine, there’s a lot going on around the city. Swimming and fishing are the most popular activities. Make sure you pack sunscreen lotion and light breathable clothes. Also, don’t forget an umbrella. There are 13 rainy days in July. Showers in the afternoon and even thunderstorms are typical for July. However, there will also be plenty of clear skies and sunshine.

Vienna weather in August

7.4/10 score
Very good
23° average
average temperatures
69 mm
15h 48m
daylight duration
August is another hot and wet month in Vienna. The heat can get somewhat intense during midday, but generally, the weather is quite moderate and suits well for sightseeing, outdoor sports, hiking or simply spending time in outdoor cafes around the city. Even nights are so pleasantly warm, that you would wish to stay outside for longer. The skies are clear and sunny. There are at least 8 hours of daily sunshine. However, rain also happens so don’t forget to pack an umbrella. August is one of the wettest months of the year. Afternoon showers, thunderstorms, and light rains are possible throughout the month.

Vienna weather in September

8/10 score
18° average
average temperatures
66.9 mm
14h 39m
daylight duration
The beginning of fall is a gorgeous season in Vienna. The temperature drops slightly but is still very comfortable for spending time outside. There are about six hours of sunshine daily, plenty of time to go sightseeing or walking in Vienna’s beautiful parks and gardens. Due to clear and warm weather, September is undoubtedly one of the best times to visit the city. Pack a light jacket or a warm sweater for chilly nights and don’t forget an umbrella. Even though September is one of the driest times of the year in Vienna, there are still about ten rainy days this month, which means that there is a big chance to get wet under an occasional shower. The rainfall is quite moderate and is followed by good weather.

Vienna weather in October

7.4/10 score
Very good
13° average
average temperatures
54.1 mm
13h 01m
daylight duration
October still offers decent weather despite the dropping temperatures. Autumn colors the leaves in warm hues and the trees frame beautifully Vienna’s outstanding architecture. Days are mild and long walks are still possible in the city as temperatures stay in the comfortable range. However, nights get cold, and there is less sun in comparison to summer. With about four-five hours of daily sunshine, the days often seem gloomy. The first half of the month is more suitable for a visit since late October sees lower temperatures, more rain, and cloudy skies. October is a moderately rainy month with about 13 rainy days. Drizzle, light and moderate rains are typical for this time.

Vienna weather in November

6.8/10 score
9° average
average temperatures
43.9 mm
11h 15m
daylight duration
In November, the weather takes a turn for the worse. There are less sun and daylight. The warmth is also decreasing with temperatures dropping from comfortable to cold. Night temperatures are often slightly above freezing, and the first snow is already possible. With about three hours of daily sunshine, there is not much time for sightseeing. Luckily Vienna has a lot of museums to visit on a cold and rainy day. Rains are typical for November, which has about 14 wet days. Snowfall may happen just once or twice at the end of the month. The skies are often cloudy and gloomy. Pack a warm jacket and winter clothes if you plan to visit Vienna in November.

Vienna weather in December

6.3/10 score
4° average
average temperatures
44 mm
9h 19m
daylight duration
December is cold, windy and quite dark in Vienna. The temperatures drop below freezing at night and stay above freezing during the day. There are less than two hours of sunshine on average, which is not too good for sightseeing. December is the darkest and cloudiest month. However, gloomy weather is compensated with abundant Christmas decorations and a festive mood in the city. Light rain or light snow is the typical precipitation in December. There are about 13 wet days in December. Half of those days might bring some snow. Even though it usually doesn’t stay on the ground for a long time, Vienna looks very beautiful under the snow. If you want to see the city at Christmas time, pack your warm winter jacket, boots, a hat, and gloves.