Best time to visit Paris

Louvre with Shorter Queues in Paris 2024-2025

Whether you are a keen museum goer or not, the world's finest art is worth exploring!

Best time: September–May

Louvre with Shorter Queues
Louvre with Shorter Queues
Louvre with Shorter Queues
Louvre with Shorter Queues
Louvre with Shorter Queues

This grand museum is really huge, with no exaggeration. Guides will lead you along a fixed route featuring famous works such as the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, the statues of Venus de Milo, Nika, David, and many other masterpieces. Having a guide is really invaluable during the peak season when you just can't do without the accompaniment and it's quite difficult to pave your way through the endless tourist flow.

However, they will show you only a small percentage of the world heritage stored at the Louvre. They likely won't take you to the Egyptian expo, or other less-known but still mesmerizing hidden corners of this museum. The best time to explore the Louvre on your own, and at your own pace is at night when the visitors are few. The best season is winter, again owing to short lines.

From October to March, you can go for free on the first Sunday of each month. Free admission also means no queues for tickets, thus you can enter faster; yet, it also means more people inside.

To avoid long lines, approach the Louvre from Rue de Rivoli and the underground shopping arcade (Carrousel de Louvre); there is a second entrance here that is far less busy on any day. Obviously, we suggest not to enter from Tuileries (the famous pyramid), where the tourists usually queue at the entrance.

Evenings are usually less crowded, especially on the late opening days: Wednesdays & Fridays the museum is open until 9:45 p.m., so you should take advantage of the of the operating hours.

Practical info

When is the best time to visit the Louvre museum?

The Louvre museum is best visited during the winter season, particularly between September and May, as there are fewer tourists and shorter waiting lines. Additionally, Wednesday and Friday evenings are recommended for visiting as the museum remains open until 9:45 p.m., allowing for more time to explore without the crowds. Show more

Where is the less busy entrance of the Louvre museum?

To avoid the long waiting lines at the Tuileries Pyramid entrance, it is best to use the entrance on Rue de Rivoli and the underground shopping arcade (Carrousel de Louvre) as it is less busy than the other entrance. Show more

What are some hidden corners to explore in the Louvre museum?

Take some time to explore the hidden corners of the museum such as the Egyptian expo and other less-known exhibits. While the famous works like the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo are often highlighted by guides, going off the beaten path and finding your own way can lead you to discover some hidden gems. Show more

How can you avoid long waiting lines in the Louvre museum?

To avoid long waiting lines at the Louvre museum, visit during the winter season, use the Rue de Rivoli and the underground shopping arcade entrance, and schedule your visit for Wednesday or Friday evenings when fewer crowds are expected and the museum remains open until 9:45 p.m. Show more

What is the best time to explore the Louvre museum at your own pace?

The best time to leisurely explore the Louvre museum is during the evenings, especially on Wednesday and Friday when the museum remains open until 9:45 p.m., allowing visitors to take their time without feeling rushed or overwhelmed by the large crowds. Show more

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