Best time to travel to Zanzibar

Marine Turtle Nesting Season in Zanzibar

Watch these baby-turtles in a once-in-a-lifetime struggle for survival!

Best time: February–July

Marine Turtle Nesting Season
Marine Turtle Nesting Season
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These cute creatures can be found in tropical or sub-tropical seas all over the planet. Nowadays there are seven species of marine turtles in the world and five of them can be found in the Indian Ocean around Zanzibar.

Here you can find endangered species of marine turtles such as the Green Turtle, Olive Ridley, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, and Leatherbacks.

The most widespread in Zanzibar is the Green Turtle. Sea turtles like to swim just offshore to mate. Then, the females come ashore to nest. The nesting season of the Green Turtle is from February to July and dependent upon the nesting sites. Usually, females lay several clutches of eggs at approximately two-week intervals at several beaches during the cooler hours of the night. For a successful nest, they need access to beaches with deep, fine, and moist sand. When the nest chamber is filled in and sand is thrown over the nest site, the turtle returns to the sea. After 55-75 days, babies are hatched. Following their instincts, they immediately crawl seaward across the sand to the surf where they reach open waters.

Several marine conservation ponds can be found off the Zanzibar coast near Nungwi.

Practical info

When does the Green Turtle's nesting season take place in Zanzibar?

Green Turtles lay several clutches of eggs every two weeks for about 6 months starting in February. The exact nesting beaches depend on factors like sand quality and temperature. Baby turtles hatch in 55-75 days and make their way towards the ocean during nighttime. Show more

What are the names of the five marine turtle species in danger in the Indian Ocean around Zanzibar?

The Green Turtle, Olive Ridley, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, and Leatherbacks are five marine turtle species that are vulnerable in the Indian Ocean around Zanzibar. Some of these species are critically endangered. IUCN's Red List includes all of these turtles as endangered marine species. Show more

Which beaches on Zanzibar's coastline are popular spots for viewing turtles hatching and heading towards the sea?

Local tour guides have knowledge about the nesting sites of turtles along several beaches across the Zanzibar coastline, including the cooler hours when they hatch. The availability of suitable nesting sites of Green Turtles is threatened due to overdevelopment of coastal areas. Visitors can also learn about marine turtle conservation efforts and watch baby turtles at conservation projects located offshore from Nungwi. Show more

What sort of beach is preferred by the Green Turtle for egg-laying?

A Green Turtle needs a nesting site with moist, deep and fine sand, as well as cool temperatures. During nesting season, the female lays around 100-120 eggs in the nest chamber it digs in the soft sand. It is important for coastal areas to preserve such nesting sites for the survival of the Green Turtle population in Zanzibar. Show more

Which village or town close to marine conservation ponds is located on Zanzibar's coast?

Nungwi, a tourist destination located in the northern tip of Zanzibar, is the town closest to several marine conservation ponds. Nungwi Marine Turtle Conservation Pond, in particular, is aimed to promote turtle population conservation through the rehabilitation and release of injured turtles. Visitors can learn about the importance of these turtles and see injured turtles along with hatchlings. Show more

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