
Cuándo viajar a Denmark

Lindholm Høje in Denmark 2024

Denmark's most precious artefacts from both Germanic Iron Age and the Viking Age were found here

Mejor época: early January–mid-December

For thousands of years, this area was covered with a thick layer of sand which helped to preserve the unique findings from two important eras of Danish history like the Iron Age and the Viking Age. Most of these findings were recovered and today you can see them in the Lindholm Høje Museum. Here's you'll be able to find out more about the way of life of ancient Danes, their homes, work and trade.

Scientists think that the village was destroyed by a huge fire, although they can't tell if it was an accident or an arson.

Aside from the findings that were left in the ancient village, a big burial ground with 682 graves and 150 stone ships was located on the hill near the village. Vikings burying ritual was burning the deceased in ships (or in some cases in stone ships). These more than a thousand-year-old stone ships can still be found on the hill of Lindholm Høje.

The museum grounds usually close their doors from mid-December to early January, so plan your visit accordingly.

Información práctica

What makes Lindholm Høje historically significant?

Located in Denmark, the archaeological site of Lindholm Høje dates back to the Iron Age and Viking Age. It houses valuable artefacts from those time periods and contains over 680 graves in the burial ground of the ancient village located in the area. Many of these graves still hold the ritualistic traditions of ship funerals, making the site an important part of Danish history.

What sort of exhibits are on display at the Lindholm Høje Museum?

When visiting the Lindholm Høje Museum, guests can view Viking Age and Iron Age artefacts such as jewelry, household items, tools, and weapons. Additionally, exhibits that depict the work and trade of these time periods can be found on site. Guests can step back into the past and observe the reconstructed structures like those of the longhouses and other building techniques that are still relevant today.

What did life look like for ancient Danes during the Iron and Viking Ages?

During the Iron Age and Viking Age, ancient Danish communities operated as self-sustaining societies, engaging in hunting, agriculture, fishing, and trade. People lived in either single-family homes or longhouses, with chieftains leading the hierarchical system of governance. Iron production played a crucial role in their lives and contributed to the creation of weapons and tools that were used for daily life and war.

What made Viking burial rites unique and how can they be observed at Lindholm Høje?

The Vikings had a unique burial rite of ship funerals, where the deceased would be placed on a vessel and set ablaze as a part of the ceremony. At Lindholm Høje, the site's grounds contain over 150 stone ships that were built to form gravesites for wealthy or notable individuals. These structures remain to this day to show onlookers how the Vikings carried out their funerary rituals.

When is the recommended time for a visit to Lindholm Høje, and why?

Although the Lindholm Høje Museum grounds are closed from December to early January, the site's archaeological structures are still open, making it a great year-round destination. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the site's beautiful snow-covered hillsides during the winter and the blooming spring flowers when temperatures become milder. Regardless of the season, visitors can always enjoy a meaningful and educational experience at Lindholm Høje.

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