
Best time to travel to Denmark

Flower Fields in Denmark 2024

The flat expanses of the country will surprise you with vast blooming patches

Best time: mid-March–August (best in late April–early July)

Chives field
Daisies catching the light
Poppies near Langtved, Sjælland, Danmark
Poppies in Lindenborg, Sjaelland, Denmark
Greater stitchwort—stars of the meadow
Field of chives on Bornholm Island, Denmark

The meadows, fields, and pastures of Denmark make for a perfect environment for wildflowers. The landscapes are just irresistible in late spring and early summer when these expanses get blanketed with tulips, lupins, poppies, chives, lavender, red clovers, and greater stitchwort. The flowers form stupendous natural carpets scattered all over the Danish countryside.

When to see flower fields in Denmark?

Crocus field unfolding at Rosenborg Castle between mid-March and early April must be the earliest episode of mass blooming in Denmark. However, the main season for Danish wildflowers is late spring and early summer, namely late April and early July. The season may differ: tulips, in particular, bloom in late April and May, and lupins hit their zenith in June. So double-check the season before hunting your favorite flower variety. Beyond prime time, some wildflowers continue to bloom through the end of summer. One of the wonderful spots to visit late in the season is Selinevej on Amager. There you can see a stunning diversity of wildflowers and also pick as many as you wish.

Where to see flower fields in Denmark?

The wildflowers ornament the countryside, but some of the places are particularly popular. People head to the Arsdale on Bornholm island to witness blooming chives. Poppy fields spread near a provincial town of Næsby and also all over Zealand (Sjælland) Island. The Flakkebjerg area (Sjælland) is especially famous for red clover. And if you're craving lavender fields, a lovely purple-painted swath of land is located next to Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen.

Tulip fields in Denmark

Those who are up for tulips are particularly lucky as Denmark offers a variety of options between late April and late May. The most popular tulip field is tucked on Lolland island near Vesterborg. Another secret location for tulip lovers is Gavnø Castle Garden (Sjælland). Besides, in late April, you can see the Ørsted Park (Ørstedsparken) and Tivoli Gardens cloaked with tulips.

Field of lupins

In June, you should check out a stunning field of lupins (Lupin mark) spanning 5 ac (2 ha) on the beautiful island of Lolland. Lupin comes in 18 different colors and is actually grown for sale. The harvest typically starts on July 1, so hurry up and capture this breathtaking beauty. After harvesting, the seeds are sold to Germany and other countries across the world. Needless to say, picking flowers is forbidden.

Practical info

What are the best months to see Danish wildflowers?

Denmark offers a plethora of beautiful wildflowers that can be enjoyed from mid-March to August. The blooming patches of wildflowers are at their most abundant between late April and early July. During this time, the countryside is covered with a colorful array of tulips, lupins, poppies, chives, lavender, red clovers, and greater stitchwort. Some wildflowers bloom through the end of summer, but the peak season for most wildflowers is in late spring and early summer.

Where are some of the popular spots to view wildflowers in Denmark?

Visitors to Denmark have many options when it comes to viewing wildflowers. Some of the most popular spots include the Arsdale on Bornholm island, where one can witness the blooming chives. The Flakkebjerg area is known for its red clover patches, and there are poppy fields near the provincial town of Næsby. Another great location to see a diverse range of wildflowers is Selinevej on Amager. For a particularly picturesque view, one should head to the purple-painted land adjacent to Copenhagen's Tivoli Gardens.

When is the earliest episode of mass blooming for wildflowers in Denmark?

In Denmark, the season for wildflowers begins as early as mid-March and continues until August. The first signs of a mass blooming episode can be witnessed between mid-March and early April, particularly when visiting the crocus field at Rosenborg Castle. The peak of the wildflower season is in late spring and early summer, from late April to early July, depending on the variety of flowers.

Is there a specific location for tulip lovers to check out in Denmark?

Tulip lovers visiting Denmark have plenty of options to witness beautiful tulip fields. Among the most popular locations is Lolland Island near Vesterborg, known for its tulip fields. The Gavnø Castle Garden (Sjælland) is another secret location for tulip lovers. Besides, Ørsted Park and Tivoli Gardens, both in Copenhagen, offer a stunning vista of tulip fields in late April.

Can you pick flowers when visiting Danish wildflower fields?

It is strictly prohibited to pick flowers while visiting Danish wildflower fields to protect their natural habitat. One can witness the vast blooming patches of tulips, lupins, poppies, chives, lavender, red clovers, and greater stitchwort that carpet the Danish countryside during the peak season in late spring and early summer. Farmers harvest the lupins and sell their seeds to Germany and other countries worldwide.

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