Animal Life

Ruby-throated and rufous hummingbirds can often be spotted in Virginia

Hummingbirds in Michigan
You can easily seduce a couple of tiny nectar drinking birds to your backyard with feeders or suitable blooms

Hummingbird Migration
Catch a glimpse of the little flying jewels with iridescent feathers in the Badger State

Ruby-throated hummingbirds visit Massachusetts to nest and breed every summer

Hummingbirds in Kentucky
You might discover a hummer zipping around your backyards at any time of the year, but the warm season is the most promising

A plentitude of rare treats await the avid birdwatchers in both Southern and Northern California

Ruby-throated hummingbirds nest and breed in Maryland every summer

Hummingbird Migration
Behold the world's most adorable wee birds throughout Tennessee

Our wee friends flock to the Sunshine State as eagerly as tourists do

Hummingbird Migration
For nearly five months, Colorado hosts thousands of wee birds on the move

Hummingbirds in Idaho
These fast and small jewels make for a first-rate backyard birdwatching

Hummingbirds in Ohio
View dozens of tiny, swift, and bold ruby-throats in the Buckeye State during their breeding season

Hummingbirds in Nebraska
Enjoy hummingbirds in Nebraska during the summer months

Ruby-throated hummers abound throughout Pennsylvania during the warm season

Hummingbird Migration
Track the world's tiniest bird passing over the Lone Star State

Hummingbird Migration
Some of the zippy little guys visit the Peach State between spring and fall, while others stay here over winter

Hummingbird Migration
To see the world's tiniest and most lovable bird is a rare but memorable experience in Minnesota

Hummingbirds in Arkansas
Gardens in Arkansas host many beautiful hummingbirds

Hummingbird Migration
Catch a glimpse of native ruby-throated hummers until the tropics beckon them back south

Your backyard could become the "first port in the storm" for these tiny fellows having just flown hundreds of miles above the open waters

Hummingbirds in Houston
Get ready to enjoy three common hummingbird species in Houston

This wee zippy bird moves so fast that you'll have to try hard to take a nice picture

Every summer, the smallest birds in America nest in the mountains and in the coastal valleys of Washington

Hummingbirds in San Diego
The tiniest birds could be observed in South California almost year-round

Hummingbirds in Montana
Take a chance to watch these beautiful birds eating from your feeder

Hummingbird Migration
The only state across the country where you can spot 15 different species of hummers at a time

Hummingbirds in Seattle
You can spot Anna's hummingbirds in Seattle all year round, while other species only in summer

Anna Ruby Falls
Discover a pair of beautiful waterfalls amidst the forests of Northern Georgia

Palo Borracho Bloom
An unusual tree that grows in Buenos Aires and is called the "drunken tree"

When it comes to hummingbirds, Alaska has a little something to surprise you with

Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird
Watching colourful Hummingbirds play and try to attract each other will make your day

Flamboyant, or Flame Tree
These magnificent trees create fantastic landscapes

Toborochi Tree in Bloom
If not for the toborochi trunk that enabled the birth of Bolivia's savior, the country might still be haunted by evil spirits

Desert Botanical Garden
Explore the beauty of the desert at the stunning Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix

It is a good time to visit South Korea to soak in the fragrance and beauty of flowers and other abundant flora