Best time to visit by weather Krakow



°C /°F
13°C -5°C
WeatherNovember 25December 04

Based on historical data we estimate temperature to be between -5..13°C with average daylight time of about hours.

Last updated:

Krakow weather in January

6.9/10 score
0° average
average temperatures
7 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
January is the coldest time of the year in Krakow. With just two hours of sunshine, days seem very short and gloomy. However, snow is definitely going to brighten up your impression of the city. January is the snowiest month. And Krakow looks magnificent when covered with fresh powder. The temperature stays around freezing and even drops below freezing during days and nights. Make sure to bring a warm jacket, gloves and a hat with you. January in Krakow is a good time to try skating, sledding, cross-country skiing, and other winter sports. There are 10-13 days with some form of precipitation in January.

Krakow weather in February

7.1/10 score
Very good
1° average
average temperatures
7 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The last month of winter is rather cold and dark. With two hours of sunshine per day, it might seem rather gloomy and grey. But due to snow Krakow looks quite attractive in the winter. February is a little warmer than January on average, but the temperature still drops below freezing during days and nights. It’s a good season for skating, cross-country skiing If you are planning to spend time outdoors, bring a heavy coat, gloves and a hat. Rain and snow fare possible for 11 days during February.

Krakow weather in March

7.5/10 score
Very good
5° average
average temperatures
7 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Early March still feels like winter in Krakow, but things get better towards the end of the month. The temperature throughout March is still rather low staying just above freezing or warming up to about 7°C (45°F) at best. It’s getting sunnier. March has 4 hours of sunshine on average. It rains more than in February. March has 15 rainy days on average. And snow is still possible. You will still need a warm insulated jacket to feel comfortable outside in March.

Krakow weather in April

8.2/10 score
11° average
average temperatures
8 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
April brings significant improvement in terms of temperature and overall weather. The greens and blooms are out, making Krakow especially beautiful. The days are finally warm enough to stay outdoors for hours. With 4-5 hours of sunshine hours and longer days, there are many opportunities for sightseeing, long walks, and various outdoor activities. The temperature can change rapidly jumping from 12°C (54°F) to 3°C (37°F) in a matter of hours. Be prepared to capricious weather and pack layers of clothes. Don’t forget an umbrella. There are 15 rainy days in April, as many as in March.

Krakow weather in May

8.5/10 score
16° average
average temperatures
9 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
May is one of the best months to visit Karkow. The weather gets really warm, and nature is awakening adding green and bright colors everywhere. You can finally relax with balmy 20°C (68°F). At night it might still feel cold, so bring a light jacket. Cool waves are still possible at the beginning of the month, but in the second half, the warm weather prevails. May is perfect for sightseeing, visiting palaces, and castles as well as beautiful parks and gardens. With blossoming trees and flowers they look spectacular! With seven hours of sunshine, you will get plenty of time to see everything. May also marks the beginning of a rainy season in Poland. There are 16 rainy days in May. However, rains are short and are usually followed by clear skies.

Krakow weather in June

8.8/10 score
19° average
average temperatures
9 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
June is a perfect time to visit Krakow. The weather is warm but not too hot with temperatures about balmy 22°C (72°F). It’s a great time to explore Poland and spend time outdoors trying various activities. June is the sunniest month of the year in Krakow. There are 7 hours of perfect sunshine, so don’t forget your sunscreen. You will also need an umbrella because June is the rainiest month of the year. There are 16-17 rainy days this month. And thunderstorms are also possible in the afternoons. However, rains are never too long. They are unlikely to spoil your holiday in Krakow.

Krakow weather in July

8.5/10 score
21° average
average temperatures
9 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The warmest time of the year has finally arrived. July is a great month to visit Krakow. Temperature is rarely less than 19°C (65°F). It’s very warm and pleasant, not too hot for sightseeing or spending time outside during midday. It’s nice and warm even during the nights, a perfect time to sit in outdoor cafes and restaurant patios. Summer in Poland also means more rain than usual. July is one of the wettest months of the year together with June. You can expect thunderstorms in the afternoon so be prepared and always carry an umbrella. Rains in Poland are not too long so you can expect skies to clear up shortly after.

Krakow weather in August

8.5/10 score
21° average
average temperatures
8 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
August is another pleasant and warm month in Krakow. It’s the second hottest month of the year after July and a bit drier than the previous two. The mellow temperature usually stays around 20s°C ( 70s°F). It’s a perfect time for sightseeing as well as exploring parks and gardens. Hot days in August often cause severe thunderstorms and downpours or even hail. There are 14 rainy days in August. So don’t forget to take your umbrella. Rains are usually followed by clear skies so they will not spoil your stay in Krakow.

Krakow weather in September

8.8/10 score
16° average
average temperatures
8 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The beginning of fall is a great time to visit Krakow. Heather fields and farmers’ markets are remarkable at this time. The weather is still very warm and pleasant. The comfortable temperature stays around 15°C (about 58°F). Occasional cold waves are also possible. It’s fantastic weather for sightseeing, hiking cycling, or any kind of outdoor activity. There are still about five hours of sunshine this month. Rains continuer to happen, but they are quite small and quick. The wetter season in Poland is over by mid-September. There are still about 14 rainy days this month. So definitely take an umbrella and a light jacket for colder days. The beginning of autumn is not too windy in Krakow.

Krakow weather in October

8.1/10 score
10° average
average temperatures
8 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
October is still a very pleasant time in Krakow despite cooling temperatures. Nights get rather cold and can already have temperatures just above freezing. However, during the day it’s still quite comfortable to take long walks around the city. Many days are sunny, and colder weather doesn’t seem too bad. October is a perfect time to visit Krakow’s parks, forests and gardens to see beautiful foliage. “Golden Fall” takes over Krakow from the second half of October. With three hours of daily sunshine, you can still plan a lot of activities and find out why this time of the year is so special in Poland. There are 16 rainy days in October so don’t forget to pack an umbrella and some warm clothes for night walks.

Krakow weather in November

7.6/10 score
Very good
6° average
average temperatures
7 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Golden autumn continues well into November in Krakow with beautiful foliage on display everywhere. However, the temperatures drop considerably. The third month of fall has temperatures just slightly above freezing during the day and dropping down to 0°C (about 32°F) at night. It’s time to spend less time sightseeing and more time visiting museums and art galleries. November is as rainy as the previous months. There are about 16 rainy days. And snow is also possible. With just a few hours of daylight, it’s rather gloomy, rainy and cold. Bring enough warm clothes to walk outdoors during this month in Krakow.

Krakow weather in December

7.1/10 score
Very good
2° average
average temperatures
7 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The beginning of winter brings more chilly weather to Krakow. Freezing temperatures are typical in December during the day. At best you can count on slightly above freezing temperatures about 3-2°C (35-36°F). The snow and really cold weather are not typical for December. Rain is a much more common type of precipitation than snow. There are 14 rainy days this month which make December dryer than November or October. With just one hour of sunshine, days seem rather gray and gloomy which is compensated by festive Christmas and light displays. Don’t forget to bring a warm insulated jacket, gloves, and a hat to feel warm outdoors in December.