Best time to go to Krakow

Herring Night or Śledzik 2023 in Krakow

Take part in one of the strange and tasty Polish Carnival traditions and try a piece of pickled herring

Dates: February 21, 2023

Herring Night or Śledzik

On the last day before the Lent, which is also the last day of the winter holidays, people of Krakow do their best in preparing for the long abstinence from alcohol, savoury food, fat meat, and sweets. That’s why they try to make this day extraordinarily rich in various dishes. The day is locally named Herring Night, and everyone must try this fish washed down with a shot of Polish flavored spirit drink zubrowka.

Best places to try Śledzik

Tourists can enjoy Herring Night or Śledzik in most of Krakow’s pubs. Some of the best places to experience the tradition in Krakow include Szewska and Świętego Jana Streets in the Old Town, as well as Plac Nowy. Even if you are a not big fan of strong alcoholic drinks, you should probably give it a try for the sake of another fun night.

Find hotels and airbnbs near Herring Night or Śledzik (Map)

Last updated:
Authors: Olha Savych