
Best time to go to Austria

Krampus in Gastein Valley 2024, Austria

The annual Krampus celebrations feature thrilling parades where fearsome Krampus figures roam the streets, blending local tradition with festive excitement

Dates: December 5–December 6

Bad Gastein, nestled in Austria’s stunning Hohe Tauern National Park, comes alive with Krampus activity every December. Known for its blend of thermal spas and winter sports, this town transforms into a festive hub, combining traditional customs with its natural beauty. The Gastein Krampuslauf (Krampus run) is a key part of this seasonal celebration, attracting both locals and visitors alike.

Krampus Events and Timing

The Gastein Krampuslauf is held annually on the 5 and 6 of December, covering three main locations: Bad Gastein, Bad Hofgastein, and Dorfgastein. Starting around 4:30 pm, roughly 80 to 100 Krampus groups (known as "Krampuspassen") parade through the town centers and rural areas until late into the night. The participants wear hand-carved masks, adorned with ram horns, and don fur costumes—often made from sheepskin—while carrying steel bells that can be heard echoing throughout the valley. Each group has a unique appearance depending on the town, adding a localized charm to the event.

The tradition involves Krampus figures going door-to-door, rewarding the well-behaved and punishing the naughty. Each group is led by St. Nicholas, accompanied by his "Guazltrager" (treat carrier) and angels, providing a mix of fear and festivity. The eerie yet captivating atmosphere is further heightened by the sound of bells and the unmistakable "Teufelschrei" (devil’s cry), a hallmark of the Krampuslauf.

Advent in Gastein Valley

December in the Gastein Valley is more than just about Krampus. The region embraces the holiday spirit with festive markets, such as the one in Bad Hofgastein. These markets feature a variety of local crafts, foods like roasted chestnuts, gingerbread, and traditional mulled wine. Other activities during the Advent season include nativity plays, torch-lit walks, and horse-drawn carriage rides, all set against the backdrop of the snow-covered Alps. Visitors are also treated to alpine horn music and local brass bands that fill the crisp air with holiday melodies.

The Krampus Exhibition in Bad Hofgastein

As part of the Advent celebrations, Bad Hofgastein hosts a Krampus exhibition, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich history of this ancient tradition. The exhibition showcases masks, costumes, and insights into the centuries-old Krampus customs that are central to the Gastein Valley’s identity.

Krampus in Austria

Krampus celebrations in Austria, are a mix of fright and folklore, as Krampus punishes the naughty while St. Nicholas rewards the good. Other cities that celebrate Krampus include Innsbruck, Salzburg, and Graz, where similar processions fill the streets with costumed figures, traditional masks, and festive gatherings.

Practical info

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