Best time to travel to Cambodia

Sunrise and Sunset at Angkor Wat in Cambodia 2024

See absolutely stunning sunrise and sunset in Angkor temple complex

Best time: April–October

Sunrise and Sunset at Angkor Wat
Sunrise and Sunset at Angkor Wat
Sunrise and Sunset at Angkor Wat

Watching sunrise and sunset in Angkor Wat is an iconic travel experience. Even though crowds of people come to see it, you should be there as well. The view is stunning. Temple ​shapes slowly become visible in soft blue and purple sunlight at the morning and illuminate in red and orange light at the evening.

The best time in a year to see this beauty is from April to October when lotus pound around the temple is full of blooming flowers. So the light and temple silhouette are reflecting on the water among them.

Practical info

When is the ideal time to witness a beautiful sunrise and sunset in Angkor Wat?

From April to October, you can experience a magnificent sunrise and sunset at Angkor Wat. This is the season when the lotus pond surrounding the temple is covered with blooming flowers that reflects the light, creating a picturesque view. Nonetheless, the weather during this period is also the hottest in Siem Reap, with temperatures that can reach 40 degrees Celsius, so it is important to bring plenty of water and sunscreen. Show more

What is the most recommended location to see the sunrise and sunset at Angkor Wat?

The best spot to witness the sunrise and sunset at Angkor Wat is the reflecting pool in front of the main temple complex as it offers a clear view of the temple and its reflection. However, it's necessary to arrive early as the place tends to get overcrowded rapidly. Otherwise, you can ask for recommendations from locals or your tour guide, as there are various other locations to experience the view. Show more

Could you suggest some other activities apart from watching the sunrise and sunset in Angkor Wat?

Besides Angkor Wat, Siem Reap provides several options for tourists to explore. Discover the historic French Quarter and lively local markets, or visit numerous art galleries and museums. You can also attend the traditional Khmer cooking classes. Siem Reap has several vibrant bars, clubs, and restaurants for you to enjoy its nightlife. Show more

What is the cost to enter Angkor Wat?

As of 2021, the entrance fee for Angkor Wat is 37 USD per person for a one-day pass, 62 USD per person for a three-day pass, and 72 USD per person for a seven-day pass. The ticket is valid for every temple within the Angkor Wat complex. Depending on age restrictions, children may receive a 50% discount, while children under 12 years old are granted free entry. Keep in mind that the ticket is non-refundable and non-transferable. Show more

How many temples can we explore at Angkor Wat complex?

The Angkor Wat complex comprises over 50 temples that extend over an enormous area of approximately 400 square kilometers. Although Angkor Wat is the most prevalent and popular temple, there are several equally beautiful and significant temples, including Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm, and Banteay Srei, each with unique architecture and history. It's suggested to keep ample time aside to explore the complex thoroughly. Show more

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