Best time to go to Cambodia

Water Festival or Bon Om Touk 2024 in Cambodia

One of the most authentic festivals in Cambodia that attracts several millions people each year and marks a unique natural phenomenon—the reversing flow between the Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong River

Dates: November 14-16, 2024

Water Festival or Bon Om Touk
Water Festival or Bon Om Touk
Water Festival or Bon Om Touk
Water Festival or Bon Om Touk

Mekong River is the heart and the soul of Cambodia and the Water Festival, also known as Bon Om Touk, is a highlight of all celebrations in this country. For most of the year, the Tonle Sap Lake empties into the Mekong River. But with the start of the rainy season Mekong rises, reversing the flow and it increases the size of the lake several times. When the rainy season ends in November, the Mekong drops, and the current reverses again, emptying the excess waters into the river. This phenomenon is marked by three days of magnificent festivities in Phnom Penh, during which you will have a chance to see a glimpse of Cambodian culture. Not only it is about a celebration itself, which is absolutely stunning, but also about people, who come to the capital from rural areas to watch parades, boat races and party for 72 hours non-stop. You will have a chance to try lots of different local food, presented on make-shift food stalls, take a ferry down the Mekong River and watch brilliant fireworks that illuminate the night sky.

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