Best time to go to Hawaii

Ironman World Championship 2024

Try yourself in one of the world's toughest races and prove that you really are made of ​steel. Notice, it's by qualification only!

Dates: October 26, 2024

Ironman World Championship
Ironman World Championship
Ironman World Championship
Ironman World Championship

Ironman is a legendary race that has been held in Hawaii since 1978. It was founded by the officers of the US Navy who liked the idea​ to challenge their physical endurance. Since then every year, a few thousands of enthusiasts and professional athletes test their will and bodies in a Triathalon Championship that includes swimming about 4 km, a bike race of 180 km, and a marathon of 42 km. It takes around 8 hours to complete such an extreme exercise for top athletes, but everyone who crosses the finish line truly deserves the Ironman title. Every year thousands of athletes participate in thi​s race and because of its popularity, ​you have to enter a lottery to get in. So if you think you are tough enough to be called an Ironman, sign up now! ​

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