Best time to visit by weather Tenerife



°C /°F
26°C 26°C
WeatherSeptember 02September 11

Based on historical data we estimate temperature to be between 26..26°C with average daylight time of about hours.




out of rangeDecember, January, February • weather

Warm and dry weather is excellent for outdoor activities

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Tenerife weather in January

10.7/10 score
18° average
average temperatures
4 mm
10h 32m
daylight duration
Tenerife weather in January is perfect for those who adore moderate heat and freshness. The temperature is around 18–20 °C (64–68 °F) during the day and goes up slightly during the afternoon. To feel comfortable, it would be a good idea to keep a sweater, especially in the early morning and after sunset. It shouldn’t rain often so one could enjoy the clear sky and wonderful views. Bear in mind that there could be a weather contrast between the sunny coast and the mountains, which could even get a bit of snow. Bring some warmer clothes case you are planning on conquering mountain peaks.

Tenerife weather in February

10.7/10 score
17° average
average temperatures
5 mm
11h 09m
daylight duration
The weather in February is great for any kind of tourist activities. It’s a perfect time for hiking and being outdoors if one enjoys nature. The climate is very comfortable as it’s usually sunny, and the air temperatures are mild. It’s getting even more pleasing towards the end of the month due to the less significant temperature difference between morning and noon. Don’t forget to bring a rain jacket just in case, though. There is a higher chance of getting precipitation on the northern windward side of the island compared to the south.

Tenerife weather in March

11.4/10 score
19° average
average temperatures
3 mm
11h 59m
daylight duration
The weather in March is gets warmer as spring comes to Tenerife. One could still expect fresh mornings and a mild temperature during the day, so having warm clothes would contribute to feeling comfortable. It’s sunny most of the time, and one could really enjoy outdoor activities and exploring the island. Don’t forget to bring a rain jacket, just in case. There is a higher chance of precipitation on the northern windward side of the island compared to the south.

Tenerife weather in April

10.1/10 score
20° average
average temperatures
3 mm
12h 50m
daylight duration
The weather in April is known for having a comfortable heat during the day. While mornings are still pleasantly fresh, the sun is warming the island more and more, and it’s getting drier as the spring comes to an island. One could freely go out for outdoor activities without thinking about the risk of rain. While the climate is quite warm, get some layers of clothes as it might be comfortable to wear a t-shirt with shorts during the day and jeans with a jacket for the evening. Double-check the weather conditions for different parts of the island you go to to make sure you have everything needed to stay comfortable.

Tenerife weather in May

9.6/10 score
21° average
average temperatures
3 mm
13h 33m
daylight duration
The weather in May gets warmer and drier as the sun keeps heating up the island. The climate is nearly ideal as it’s warmer in the morning and the temperature rises slowly until the middle of the day. This makes it pleasing to spend a day outside either on the coast or up in the mountains. Make sure to double-check the weather for different locations as it could vary across the island. It could be much warmer and drier in the south compared to the northern windward side of the island.

Tenerife weather in June

9.6/10 score
22° average
average temperatures
3 mm
13h 55m
daylight duration
June is typically one of the driest and sunniest months of the year on Tenerife. This time is perfect for a beach vacation, as well as for windsurfing and kitesurfing. Even though it’s summertime, the highest air temperature is relatively comfortable with average highs up to 27 °C (81 °F). The weather in the south and the north of the island might differ slightly, so double-check all the details for the places you would like to visit. It’s recommended to wear light cotton or linen clothes to feel comfy and enjoy the pleasant heat.

Tenerife weather in July

9.2/10 score
24° average
average temperatures
3 mm
13h 45m
daylight duration
The weather in July is dry and comfortably hot. It’s a great time to enjoy the beach and all kinds of activities on the coast. The highest air temperature at its peak is relatively comfortable, with average highs up to 27°C (81 °F). The weather in the south and the north of the island might differ a little bit, so we suggest you double-check all the details for the places you would like to visit. To enjoy the pleasant heat of the summer on Tenerife, it’s good to wear light cotton or linen clothes to feel comfy and cool.

Tenerife weather in August

8.9/10 score
25° average
average temperatures
3 mm
13h 09m
daylight duration
The summer is at its peak on Tenerife in August. Despite this fact, the heat is not as fierce, and the average maximum temperature reaches around 29 °C (84 °F). From time to time, clouds might create natural shade, and it’s even more enjoyable to stay outside the whole day. The weather should be great across the island, but there might be some fluctuations. Thus, make sure to double-check weather conditions specifically for places you would like to go to. Wearing light cotton or linen clothes should be a good idea wherever you go on Tenerife.

Tenerife weather in September

9.1/10 score
24° average
average temperatures
3 mm
12h 20m
daylight duration
The air temperature goes down slightly after a hot and busy summer on Tenerife. It's not that dry, but one should not fear to get soaked through. The water temperature is excellent for swimming and together with the milder heat conditions is almost ideal for spending time at the beach. Make sure to check the weather for different locations across the island as it might differ. You could be sure to have a comfortable and pleasant stay anywhere you go.

Tenerife weather in October

9.3/10 score
24° average
average temperatures
4 mm
11h 29m
daylight duration
October brings a bit more rain to sunny Tenerife. The weather is still pleasantly warm and perfect for outdoor activities on the coast and up in the mountains. The water is warm, so spending time at the beach should be a great option too. Make sure to check the specific weather forecast for the place you plan to visit as conditions might differ between the northern and the southern parts of the island. Bring a rain jacket just in case there happens to be a rare rain.

Tenerife weather in November

10.3/10 score
21° average
average temperatures
4 mm
10h 45m
daylight duration
The weather in November is pleasantly warm and comfortable with a bit more rainy days. Winds bring more humidity to the northern windward side of the island, so one is less likely to get a few drops of rain on the south. Make sure to check the weather forecast for specific locations you plan to visit as conditions might vary depending on where you go. Bring a rain jacket as it might rain and keep a sweater to stay comfortable in the morning.

Tenerife weather in December

10.6/10 score
19° average
average temperatures
4 mm
10h 22m
daylight duration
December is labelled as the wettest month of the year on Tenerife. Despite this fact, the weather is generally warm and pleasant so one could enjoy a comfortable stay on the island. Climate might vary depending on the place you go, so make sure to check the weather forecast for the specific location you are interested in. Generally, it’s more humid and colder in the north of the island and up in the mountains. Bring a waterproof jacket just in case it rains and keep a sweater to stay comfortable in the morning.