
Best time to travel to Faroe Islands

Tindhólmur in Faroe Islands 2023-2024

A unique island, one side of which is covered with lush green hills, while the other consists of sheer basalt cliffs

Best time: all year round

Tindhólmur, a striking islet located next to Vagar Island, is renowned for its sharp peaks and contrasting landscapes—one side is covered in lush green hills, while the other consists of sheer basalt cliffs. Its five distinct peaks are named Ytsti, Arni, Lítli, Breiði, and Bogdi, translating to Farthest, Eagle, Small, Broad, and Bent.

The islet’s most westerly area features several small lakes, and puffins nest here during the summer months, from early May to late August. Tindhólmur covers an area of 650,000 square meters, with its highest point reaching 859 feet (262 meters). This uninhabited islet is one of the Faroe Islands' most unique landmarks, offering a stunning view from the village of Bøur.

Tindhólmur Tours

Unfortunately, there is no regular ferry or boat service to the islet. Therefore, the best option will be a tour that can take you to Tindhólmur. For example, you can take an Unforgettable 1-Hour Boat Tour to Drangarnir, exploring Drangarnir the Múlafossur Waterfall, which brings you close to Tindhólmur. An Unforgettable 1-Hour Boat Tour to Drangarnir is priced at $97.

Another option is the 6-hour Tindhólmur Tour, which includes sailing for 10 minutes, passing Drangarnir, and finally arriving at Tindhólmur. The guided tour around the islet provides a chance for bird watching, with a good chance of spotting puffins.

Tindhólmur Islet Legend

According to legend, a local farmer named Rasmus once lived on the islet of Tindhólmur after moving there due to conflicts with the villagers of Sørvágur. The villagers gave him their share of land on the islet so he could live in isolation.

One day, a huge eagle came and took Rasmus' two-year-old child to the highest peak of the island, where the young eagle ate the child's eyes. After that, Rasmus and his family moved away from Tindholmur, and it has remained uninhabited ever since.

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