Best time to go to Venice

Festa della Madonna della Salute 2024 in Venice

Pay tribute to the Venetians who died during the great plague of 1630

Dates: November 21

Festa della Madonna della Salute
Festa della Madonna della Salute
Festa della Madonna della Salute

On November 21st, the residents of Venice come together for a procession to help commemorate those lost during the great plague of 1630. During this time, 100,000 died in the city, but after the residents sent their prayers to Virgin Mary, the epidemic ended. People march towards the Basilica della Madonna della Salute in order to thank the Virgin Mary for sparing lives and to ask her to keep each of them healthy. This baroque Basilica was completed in 1640 to thank the Virgin for a miraculous end to the epidemic.

A traditional cabbage stew is sold around the city on this day, and families usually use this day to remember their loved ones. It is one of the few occasions where the streets of Venice are full of locals, not tourists, rushing to attend a solemn mass and socializing with one another.

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