
Best season to travel to British Columbia

Game Meats, Pacific Oysters, and Sea Urchin in British Columbia 2024-2025

Late autumn and winter bring game meats and tasty seafood on the table. Choose your favourite!

Best time: October–February

    Venison with wild rice and rotkohl
    Root vegetables with elk steak
    Kushi oysters
    Deep-fried oysters
    Sea urchin
    Sea urchin on rice (Uni Don)

    When it gets colder outside, people fancy eating something more meaty. During this season, most restaurant menus will include items with game meat such as elk, caribou, or venison. Steaks are a staple food. You'll also see lamb and buffalo on the menu and farm-raised pheasant is also readily available!

    Besides meat dishes, the season offers a great range of the Pacific Ocean oysters and sea urchins. During late autumn and winter months, the oysters are harvested along the BC coastline. It is believed that they taste best when the water is freezing cold. The most popular way to serve oysters is...raw with some a touch of lemon juice or grated horseradish. Some B.C. favourites are Kusshi, Chef's Creek, Royal Miyagi, Effinghams, and Pacific Rim Petites.

    If you are not into raw-eating, then deep-fried oysters would be a tasty solution! A common variety is Fanny Bay.

    The best place to try some sea urchins would be Japanese restaurants. They are often called by a Japanese name 'uni'. In the coastline waters, they might look menacing, but the delicious part is hidden inside.

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