
Best season to travel to Seville

Orange Marmalade in Seville 2025-2026

One of the best treats of Seville, usually home-made in every house

Best time: late December–February

Seville oranges have a short season, but there are some ways you can extend it. One of the most popular and tasty ways to preserve oranges is making the orange marmalade. This delight is very famous all over the world. Oranges provide masses of pectin, a gum-like substance, and help the marmalade to set. If you combine it with the correct percentage of sugar, you will get an excellent marmalade. Locals will tell you about the four stages of making marmalade—preparation, simmering, boiling to a set, and filling the jars.

Sevillians are not great keepers, so it's better to come and try the marmalade in the orange harvest season from late December to the end of February.

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