Nakukymppi 2024 in Finland
A nude running event gathers nudists annually one week before Midsummer in the village of Vesijako
Dates: June 14, 2024
One week before Midsummer is a prime time for nudists who love nature and running. Nakukymppi gathers over 100 participants every June for a naked run in a beautiful setting in the municipality of Padasjoki in Finland.
Participants either run or walk 10 kilometers or a full marathon distance...well, naked! The most popular clothing items are shoes, socks, and headwear. Women are allowed to wear a top for obvious reasons.
The run has been held annually since 2003. It usually draws 100 to 150 participants. Runners come to Finland for Nakukymppi from Estonia, Switzerland, Latvia, Sweden, France, and other countries. Even though the event isn't organized by or specifically for naturists, about half of the participants are. There are also prizes involved. Every participant who starts the race in the officially accepted gear is recognized to have accomplished the race. The top three finishers in both gender groups are awarded, while every other participant receives a diploma.