LouisvilleCon 2023
Collectors' and comic fans' mecca in the heart of Kentucky
Dates: December 9, 2023
LouisvilleCon is a popular culture convention held at Triple Crown Pavilion near Derby City. One of Kentucky’s best comic cons, LouisvilleCon attracts fans of sci-fi, manga, anime, fantasy, wrestling, gaming, cosplay, and animation. The massive event also provides fans with a chance to meet comic book writers, artists, illustrators, pro wrestlers, voice actors, and all kinds of creators. Celebrity guests of LouisvilleCon included Jim Shooter, Greg The Hammer Valentine, Rikishi, The Good Brothers, Jim Salicrup, Dan Fraga, John Davis, and many others.
The exhibition hall features about 150 vendors offering comic books, magazines, costumes, toys, video games, movies, records, and apparel. Artists Alley is the space for creators showcasing original artwork and sketches. Other highlights include the costume contest, after-parties, workshops, celebrity panels, video gaming, tabletop board game room, and more. Pokemon Tournament, Super Smash Bros Tournament, a car show, and other fun competitions are planned.
LouisvilleCon runs from 10 am to 5 pm. The general price of admission is $20. Kids under 11 can get in for free. Guest autographs and guest photo-ops are available for purchase online as well as onsite during exhibit hall hours (cash only). Free parking is available.