
Best time to travel to Myanmar

Sunset and Sunrise in Myanmar 2024-2025

Heavenly sunsets or sunrises in Myanmar are precious moments that will always be in your mind

Best time: November–May

Fisherman on the Inle Lake
Sunset over Old Bagan

Myanmar overwhelms with its staggering beauty that is enhanced once the sun begins to set or to rise. Myanmar’s dusty terrains make the reds, yellows and oranges, a mixture of pinks, blues and purples more vivid than you have ever seen before.

This magical country offers travellers thousands of places to enjoy this natural masterpiece, from the lyrical banks of the fabulous Irrawaddy River or from a top of a stunning pagoda on a hill.

If you are sunset or sunrise “hunters” note these experiences: a magical sunset over Bagan, a glorious sunset on U Bein Bridge in Mandalay, a gentle sunset from the sandbank of Irrawaddy River in Bagan, a legendary sunset In Shwedagon Pagoda, a mysterious sunset in the Golden Rock Kyaikhtiyo, or a gorgeous sunset on the Inle Lake.

Any of these locations won't leave you disappointed. Just make sure to avoid coming during the monsoon period.

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