Best time to travel to Brussels

Sonian Forest (Zoniënwoud) in Brussels 2024-2025

“Brussels’ Lungs” is a habitat for hundreds of species

Best time: all year round

Sonian Forest (Zoniënwoud)

The Sonian Forest (or Zoniënwoud in Dutch) is an old beech and oak forest in the vicinity of Brussels, namely—at its southeast edge. Being the largest green area in the city, the forest is often called “Brussels’ Lungs.” Indeed, the territory of Zoniënwoud is huge—it occupies an area of 4,400 ha (10,900 ac). However, it was three times bigger two centuries ago.

The reduction of the forest’s size has influenced its ecosystem and led to the extinction of some plant and animal species. Even though the variety of flora and fauna is not as rich as it used to be, Zoniënwoud is a habitat for numerous mammals. Thus, it is a great place to spot badgers, deer, bats, red squirrels, foxes, wild boars, and fire salamanders.

Around 70% of the forest consists of beech trees with some of the oldest being over 200 years old. The vast tree crowns give shelter to a wide range of birds. While walking in the forest, you may encounter birds such as the honey-buzzard, nuthatch, short-toed treecreeper, great spotted woodpecker, goldcrest, kingfisher, and winter wren.

The forest may be visited all year round. The best time depends on your favourite season. From March to April, toads, frogs, and newts occupy ponds in the forest to breed. You may also encounter diverse mushrooms, but you should keep in mind that mushroom picking and foraging for plants and flowers is forbidden. The Sonian Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage site, meaning that even the tiniest elements of nature are crucial for the preservation of its ecosystem.

Practical info

What is the breeding season of toads, frogs, and newts in Sonian Forest and why is it the best time to visit for mushroom watching?

In Sonian Forest, the breeding season of toads, frogs, and newts occurs between March and April. This period is considered the best time for visitors to observe diverse mushroom varieties that prevail in this area. However, Sonian Forest prohibits mushroom picking and foraging for plants and flowers to protect its ecosystem and habitat. Show more

Where is the Sonian Forest located in Brussels, and how has its size changed over time? What has been its impact on the ecosystem?

Located at the southeast edge of Brussels, the Sonian Forest is an old beech and oak forest covering an area of 4,400 ha, which was three times larger two centuries ago. The reduction of its size has impacted its ecosystem and has led to the extinction of some plant and animal species. Despite the decrease, it remains the largest green area in the city and serves as an essential habitat for various flora and fauna. Show more

What are the mammals that can be observed while taking a walk or exploring the surroundings of the Sonian Forest?

Badgers, deer, bats, red squirrels, foxes, wild boars, and fire salamanders are some of the mammals that can be observed by visitors on a leisurely walk or while exploring the surroundings of the Sonian Forest. These species have found shelter here and have made it their habitat. The forest is an ecosystem that is essential for diversity and serves as a habitat for various plant and animal species. Show more

What is the policy on mushroom picking and foraging for plants and flowers in the Sonian Forest, and why is it enforced?

Mushroom picking and foraging for plants and flowers are prohibited in the Sonian Forest. The prohibition enforces the preservation of the habitat of various plant and animal species, maintaining the ecosystem's balance. The Sonian Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage site, protected and preserved as an essential green area in the city, offering habitats for flora and fauna. Show more

What are some unique bird species that are sheltered in the vast tree crowns of the Sonian Forest?

Honey-buzzards, nuthatches, short-toed treecreepers, great spotted woodpeckers, goldcrests, kingfishers, and winter wrens are some of the diverse bird species sheltered in the vast tree crowns of Sonian Forest. Visitors can observe these species while taking a leisurely walk in the forest or exploring its surroundings. The forest plays an essential role in providing a unique habitat for birds and preserving the natural balance of the ecosystem. Show more

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