
Best season to travel to Denmark

Christmas Food in Denmark 2025-2026

Danes are creative when it comes to celebrating Christmas

Best time: late November–early January

Traditional danish pork roast.
Christmas biscuits
Sugar-glazed potatoes

Even if you're a tourist and don't have Danish friends to attend a Christmas Eve dinner, you won't miss its taste. Most of the hotels and restaurants will have a special Christmas menu that includes traditional dishes.

Some of the traditional Danish Christmas dishes are roast pork, boiled and caramelised potatoes, red cabbage and gravy. There's also a classic Danish dessert, 'ris à l’amande', cold rice pudding with whipped cream, vanilla, almonds and hot cherry sauce, or ‘risengrød’ hot rice pudding. Some traditional baking is also a must: ginger snaps, vanilla biscuits or gingerbread hearts.

And, of course, let's not forget about the favourite and traditional Danish Christmas beer and Øl to wash down all the above.

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