Best time to travel to Denver

Stargazing in Denver 2023-2024

Denver and its outskirts offer you breathtaking stargazing spots. Check them out!

Best time: all year round (best from October to December)


Mid-fall and winter are the best times for stargazing in Denver, Colorado. What’s more, Denver is located at 5,280 ft (1,609 m) above sea level, meaning it’s a perfect place to watch the night sky (extra elevation means clearer night skies). Obviously, the farther away you travel from the city’s lights, the clearer the sky will be. However, you don’t need to head to the middle of nowhere to stargaze. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best and easy-to-get-to places for stargazing in and near Denver.

Red Rocks Amphitheater

Famous for plenty of concerts, Red Rocks Amphitheater is an open-air amphitheater built into a rock structure. Located 17 mi (24 km) away from Denver, this easy-access spot is ideal for stargazing and connecting with nature. Take a friend or family member and enjoy a quick little getaway.

Chamberlin Observatory

If you don’t have a chance to drive away from Denver but still want to stargaze, Chamberlin Observatory is a great place to visit. Located at Denver University, this observatory hosts frequent public nights and open houses, allowing you to peer through the 1894 Alvan Clark-Saegmuller 20-inch refracting telescope. And it’s a great experience, believe us!

Lookout Mountain Road

​​Lookout Mountain Road is located 20 mi (32 km) away from Denver. You can park your car anywhere along the road and enjoy an incredible open view. Lookout Mountain Park overlooks Golden, Colorado, and is definitely a place to remember.

More places for stargazing near Denver

Check out these places if you want to make the best out of your stargazing experience: - Golden Gate Canyon Meadow (38 mi or 61 km away from Denver); - Guanella Pass (56 mi or 90 km away from Denver); - Rocky Mountain National Park (70 mi or 112 km away from Denver). Each of these spots is unique and can offer you breathtaking views.

Practical info

When is stargazing recommended in Denver?

The perfect time to gaze at the stars in Denver, when the air is dry and it gets dark early, is during the fall and winter months from October to December. Besides, the city's 5,280 feet height above the sea level provides breathtaking views all year long, and the Leonids and the Geminids meteor showers occur at these times too. Show more

What are some of the recommended stargazing points near Denver?

Some of the best places to stargaze near Denver are Red Rocks Amphitheater, Lookout Mountain Road, Golden Gate Canyon Meadow, Guanella Pass, and Rocky Mountain National Parks, located within a maximum of 38 miles away from the city. Visitors can easily access these stargazing spots to enjoy a spectacular and serene view of the sky's offerings. Show more

What is stargazing in Denver advantageous for?

Denver's location at high elevation causes a thin atmosphere, leading to less pollution obscuring the night sky, making stargazing an ideal activity for anyone looking to witness the celestial splendor. Stargazing encourages mindfulness, stress relief, and allows people to reconnect with nature. Some of the places in Denver that facilitate stargazing, such as Red Rocks Amphitheater, and Chamberlin Observatory, provide telescopic equipment, enhancing the quality of the experience. Show more

Which observatory is closest to Denver for stargazing?

The Chamberlin Observatory in Denver is most accessible to stargazers in Denver. The observatory has important telescopes such as the 1894 Alvan Clark-Saegmuller 20-inch refracting telescope. The public can access these telescopes during open-house nights to get a vivid view of the sky's offerings. Other recommended places for stargazing in Denver are Guanella Pass, Lookout Mountain Road, and Rocky Mountain National Parks. Show more

When is the optimal time to see shooting stars in Denver?

Meteor showers provide the ideal time to watch the shooting stars in Denver. The Perseids in August, the Leonids in November, and the Geminids in December are some of the popular meteor showers. Denver's clear skies, combined with minimal light pollution, enhance the overall experience by providing a perfect view of shooting stars during these meteor showers. Show more

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