Best time to go to Japan

Tezutsu Hanabi 2023

This hand-held fireworks festival has been celebrated since the 1500s!

Dates: early March 2023 (unconfirmed)

Tezutsu Hanabi
Tezutsu Hanabi
Tezutsu Hanabi

Made of bamboo, these hand-held fireworks can send flames and sparks up to 5 meters into the sky! This awesome fire demonstration takes place at the Yoshida Shrine in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture during the Gion Festival on the third Friday of July. Around 350 Tezutsu hand-held fireworks and 12,000 fireworks are set off, creating a truly unforgettable​ experience. You can also find many other tezutsu hanabi events throughout the year in other locations around Japan.

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Last updated:
Authors: Olha Savych