Best time to visit
60 things to do in Virginia

Cicada Mania
A billionth population of American cicadas come out during final weeks in their lives to rejoice in a huge mating par

Bluemont Fair
A bucolic fair in the foothills of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains

Suffolk Peanut Fest
Virginia's premier agricultural festival celebrating peanuts

Devil's Bathtub
The popular swimming hole is hidden in a scenic setting, but prepare to get wet

Memorial Day Weekend
Thousands of flags, salutes, and tributes to the U.S. Armed Forces servicemen and women

State Fair of Virginia
Carnival, pig races, and other traditional entertainment

Virginia Film Festival
A five-day festival at the University of Virginia

Virginia Renaissance Faire
The lovely village of Staffordshire offers Renaissance-themed entertainment

Virginia Highlands Festival
Enjoy the Blue Ridge Mountains and plenty of entertainment

Virginia Beach Tattoo Festival
A good chance to get a tattoo from a well-known artist

Norfolk Patriotic Festival
Virginia Beach kicks off the summer season and salutes the troops

Virginia Beach Neptune Festival
One of the most popular events on the East Coast

Neptune Spring Wine + Food Festival
A kick-off party for the beach season in Virginia

Funk Fest Beach Party
The greatest party of the year at Virginia's oceanfront

Coastal Virginia Auto Show
The largest car show in the Mid-Atlantic region

Virginia 4th of July Fireworks, Parade & Events
Celebrate America in one of Virginia's plentiful historical sites

Whale Watching in Virginia Beach
The favorite winter entertainment for nature lovers

Dolphin Watching in Virginia Beach
A playful pair or the whole pod of dolphins—a happy encounter is guaranteed

Chincoteague Pony Swim
Dozens of wild ponies cross the Assateague Channel during a traditional summer festival

Halloween in Virginia: Fests & Attractions
Check out how scary colonial Virginian towns can become

Christmas Markets
Best seasonal foods, fine arts, and jewelry at Virginia's holiday fairs

Christmas Lights across Virginia
Shimmering lights on the water, in parks, and in the tunnel

Bull Run Festival of Lights
A massive light display in Centreville, not far from Washington, D.C.

Winter Walk of Lights at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens
An enchanting holiday garden not far from Washington D.C.

Dominion Energy GardenFest of Lights at Lewis Ginter
A sparkling winter garden in Richmond offers plenty of fun activities

The Flying Circus Hot Air Balloon Festival
One of the highlights of the Virginia summer

Virginia Beach Labor Day Weekend
Beach getaway with lots of live music, delicious food, and entertainment

Virginia Fall Foliage
Discover the brilliance of Virginia's Blue Ridge during the peak foliage display

Skiing and Snowboarding
Get ready for an unforgettable winter season at marvelous Virginia's ski resorts

New Year's Eve in Virginia
The historical state offers plenty of scenic spots and glamorous parties for the holidays

Baltimore Oriole
Attracted by fruits and nectar, these birds are often spotted in the gardens

Cherry Blossom
Enjoy Virginia's breathtaking landscapes painted with cheerful pink and white blooms

Water Lantern Festival
Make a wish, write it on a lantern, and release it onto the water

Flying Circus Airshow
The longest continuously running airshow in Virginia

Ruby-throated and rufous hummingbirds can often be spotted in Virginia

Richmond Oktoberfest
This brew fest in Virginia has a little something in store for you

4th of July Events & Fireworks in Virginia Beach
Check out free family-friendly celebrations on the beach and inland of the Resort City, as well as out of it

Fireworks in Fredericksburg VA
The city on the Rappahannock River offers a myriad of ways to show your patriotism

Shenandoah National Park Fall Foliage
Discover prime fall landscapes in Virginia on Shenandoah's scenic drives and hikes

VFW Hillsville Flea Market
This flea market has cool stuff for any taste: from vinyl records to furniture

Vinton Christmas Parade
Don't miss a chance to visit Vintage Vinton Drive-Through Christmas Parade

Northern Virginia Christmas Market
Check out the grand opening festival of the merry season in Northern Virginia

Craftsmen’s Christmas Classic in Richmond, VA
Craftsmen's Christmas Classic Art and Craft Festival is a three-day extravaganza offering lots of crafts and Christmas gifts

Manassas Christmas Parade (Merry Old Town)
Holiday festivities at the historic Civil War site

Kings Dominion WinterFest
The premier holiday event in Virginia

Blackbeard Pirate Festival
Witness Hampton overrun by dozens of fervent pirates

Hampton Jazz & Music Festival
Enjoy the world's top jazz artists in Hampton Coliseum

Ravenwood Faire
Meet the Baron and Baroness of Ravenwood and dozens of other characters

Graves Mountain Apple Festival
Embrace fall splendor at this much-anticipated event

Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival
More than 50 events over ten days in a beautiful town with the rural atmosphere