Best time to visit Albania

Cycling in Albania 2024

Explore Albania by bike, discovering its historical monuments and natural attractions

Best time: mid-March–October


Many visitors don't expect Albanian cities to have such a developed biking culture. No other Balkan country has so many bicycles! The road quality and safety are not bad, and bikes are a common means of transportation for local residents. Besides, thousands of tourists enjoy exploring the mountains and hilly cities of Albania by bike.

You can go bike touring through the whole country of Albania or pick a small route for a day or two. The picturesque road from Sarande to Gjirocaster featuring the coast and mountains is especially popular with bikers. However, Northern Albania is also famous for its scenic villages. You may go on a comprehensive bicycle tour from Tirana covering both Northern Albania and Kosovo. Also, a 9-day Unesco cycling tour is a great option. It starts and finishes in the capital and is available between May and October. After all, Albania allows you to rent a bike in any city.

The cycling season kicks off in mid-March and lasts throughout summer into October. The warm season is perfect for riding a bicycle to avoid rains and washed roads, especially in rural villages and mountainous areas.

Practical info

What are some popular bike routes in Albania?

Albania has several bicycle routes available, but the most scenic options are the Sarande to Gjirocaster route - featuring the coast and mountains - the Northern Albania route covering picturesque villages, and the 9-day Unesco cycling tour starting and ending in Tirana, available between May and October. Show more

When is the best time to go cycling in Albania?

The ideal time to go cycling in Albania is from mid-March to October when the weather and road conditions are favorable. The warm season is advisable for cycling in rural and mountainous areas to avoid rains and washed roads during summer. Show more

Where can I rent a bike in Albania?

Bicycles are available for rent in cities and popular tourist spots like Tirana and Saranda. You can rent different types of bicycles such as mountain bikes, road bikes, or regular bikes for €5 ($6) to €15 ($18) per day, depending on the bike type and location. Show more

What safety precautions should I take when cycling in Albania?

To ensure safety while bicycling in Albania, consider the road quality, traffic, and weather. Wear a helmet, reflector gear and carry a repair kit. Avoid cycling during rush hours in cities, watch out for speeding vehicles, follow traffic rules and carry enough water and food when riding in rural areas. Show more

What are some cultural and historical sites that can be visited during a cycling tour of Albania?

During a cycling tour of Albania, there are numerous cultural and historical sites to visit. Durres, Butrint and Apollonia are the most significant archaeological sites showcasing ancient civilization that is over 2000 years old. Other notable sites include the Skanderbeg Museum in Kruja, the Lead Mosque, and the Ethnographic Museum. Show more

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