
Best time to travel to Cambodia

Explore Wildlife in the Ream National Park, Cambodia 2025

Peace and tranquility will get under your skin once you find yourself in the Ream National Park

Best time: May–July


Ream National Park in Cambodia is a highlight for nature lovers. The park consists of tropical jungles, mangrove forests, beaches and over 150 species of birds as well as a variety of monkeys, including gibbons and macaques. You can take a boat trip through mangrove channels that stretch to the Gulf of Thailand and pass by magnificent waterfalls. So better come during the wet season, when the level of water is high but keep in mind that towards the end of rain season it might get flooded. So the best period is May–July. Stay longer at one of the Islands and listen to the splash of waves on​ the beaches or hike into the mountains.​

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