Best time to travel to Malta

Jellyfish in Malta 2024

Unfortunately Malta is plagued by more and more jellyfish every summer due to increasing temperatures

Best time: April–September

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Jellyfish, gelatinous marine animals, are typically non-aggressive and free-swimming in the Mediterranean. However, their reproduction has surged in recent years due to overfishing and climate change. These fascinating yet sometimes intimidating creatures are a significant part of Malta's coastal ecosystem. With their presence in Maltese waters increasing, it's essential to understand the types of jellyfish you might encounter, how to stay safe, and where to find jellyfish-free swimming spots.

Types of Jellyfish in Maltese Waters

Mauve Stinger

The most common jellyfish in Malta is the Mauve Stinger, which is usually found near the surface of the water during times of diminished light or after washing up on the beach. Recognizable by its pinkish mushroom-shaped head and long tentacles, this jellyfish is known for its painful sting. It thrives in warmer waters, making its presence more pronounced during the spring and summer months. While its sting is not deadly, it can cause significant discomfort and, in some cases, allergic reactions.

Moon Jellyfish

Easily identifiable by its translucent, moon-like appearance, the Moon Jellyfish has a mild sting compared to other species. Its venom is less potent, making it less of a threat to swimmers.

Fried Egg Jellyfish

Known locally as il-Qassats, the Fried Egg Jellyfish is distinctive with its yellow, egg-yolk-like appearance. This species does not sting, making it harmless to humans. It is commonly seen from the end of summer through autumn.

Understanding Jellyfish Behavior

Jellyfish cannot swim against currents; instead, they drift with the tides and winds. This behavior explains why they often appear in large groups or swarms. Overfishing and climate change have contributed to their increased presence in the Mediterranean, including Maltese waters. Notably, jellyfish populations surge when the sea temperature rises in April and cools down in September.

Snorkeling and Diving

The best way to see jellyfish underwater is by snorkeling or diving in clear, calm waters where these fascinating creatures are often found. Snorkeling offers a closer and more immersive experience, allowing you to observe jellyfish in their natural habitat with minimal disturbance. Dive sites around Malta, such as the Blue Lagoon in Comino, are popular for their abundant marine life and crystal-clear waters, providing an ideal environment to view various jellyfish species up close. Always keep a safe distance to avoid stings, and consider joining a guided tour for expert insights and safe practices.

Staying Safe

Understanding jellyfish behavior, recognizing safe swimming areas, and knowing how to treat stings are crucial for enjoying Malta's beach season. Beaches in Malta use a purple flag to indicate the presence of jellyfish. Paying attention to these warnings can help you avoid stings. Additionally, checking wind directions and local beach reports can provide valuable information about jellyfish activity.

If stung by a jellyfish, immediately exit the water to prevent further contact. Rinse the affected area with seawater, as fresh water can aggravate the sting. Use a flat object, like a credit card, to gently scrape off any remaining tentacles. If available, apply vinegar to neutralize the venom. To treat the sting, apply hydrocortisone cream or take an oral antihistamine to reduce itching and swelling. Seek medical help for severe reactions, difficulty breathing, or extensive stings.

Jellyfish Installation

In 2022, visitors strolling along South Street in Valletta were treated to a vibrant display of multicolored jellyfish hanging above their heads. This artistic installation, titled "When the Sea Stings" (‘Meta l-Baħar Iniggeż’), was likely inspired by the increasing jellyfish populations in Maltese waters. Valletta Cultural Agency Chairman Jason Micallef explained that this installation was part of a series of artistic displays set up every three months as part of the agency’s cultural program, enriching the capital city's streets with imaginative and thought-provoking art.

Practical info

When is the best time to visit Malta to avoid jellyfish?

If you want to avoid jellyfish when visiting Malta, it's best to come between October and March, which is outside the high jellyfish season. This season runs from April to September, during which the sea is warm and allows jellyfish to breed. By avoiding these months, you increase your chances of swimming in jellyfish-free waters. Show more

What are the most common species of jellyfish in Malta?

Throughout Malta's waters, one of the most frequent species of jellyfish is the Mauve Stingers. These jellyfish typically float at the water's surface and can be found washed up on the beach. Although the Australian spotted jellyfish is also present, it is less common and causes a mild sting. Show more

How can I tell if a beach is safe for swimming or likely to have jellyfish?

To determine whether a beach in Malta is suitable for swimming or has jellyfish present, be mindful of wind direction because jellyfish float with the ocean's current. Purple flags indicate the possibility of jellyfish in the water. You can check with local authorities or use travel guidebooks and online resources to locate jellyfish-free and safe swimming areas. When in doubt, pack protective gear like vinegar, jellyfish repellent, or wetsuits to guard against stings. Show more

Why are jellyfish populations increasing in the Mediterranean?

Human activities account for the rising jellyfish numbers in the Mediterranean. Due to overfishing, jellyfish have fewer predators to consume them; thus, they reproduce and spread. Pollution is another factor that causes jellyfish to thrive more than other marine life in the region. As the ocean temperatures change due to global warming, jellyfish enjoy more favorable reproduction conditions. Show more

What should I do if I'm stung by a jellyfish while swimming in Malta?

If you're swimming in Malta and a jellyfish stings you, taking swift action is crucial. Rinse the wound with seawater and ensure that there are no tentacles present on the skin. Apply jellyfish sting products, baking soda, or vinegar on the affected area. If severe symptoms like breathing difficulties emerge or the pain intensifies, go to the nearest hospital. Show more

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