
Best time to travel to Utah

Emerald Pools in Utah 2025

Gorgeous cliffs and rocks together with powerful waterfalls will mark your way to the emerald pools

Best time: March–May | September–November (all year round)

Zion National Park in Utah is a great hiking spot. Several trails lead to fantastic waterfalls and beautiful Emerald Pools. You can also marvel the view on Lady Mountain, the Great White Throne, Red Arch Mountain and other cliffs everywhere around you.

The best seasons for hiking to the Emerald Pools are spring and autumn, as the weather is the most pleasant. During spring, the water level rises and creates the most spectacular waterfalls. Summers are usually too hot, so the falls are not as impressive. During winter it can be icy and slippery in some spots.

Lush green flora makes the area near the pools especially beautiful. But, as the pools are protected, swimming here is strictly prohibited. Just watch and enjoy nature’s beauty.

You can hike one of three different difficulty level trails. They vary from short and easy to more adventurous ones. The Lower pool, which is located on the bottom of the canyon, is accessible even for kids. The Middle trail is moderate, with a large open area surrounded by slick rock. The Upper trail is the hardest with some steep, sandy spots. The easiest trail is around 2 km long, and the most adventurous is 5 km. As the trails are quite easy, expect to meet lots of other people walking, having a picnic and enjoying this beautiful canyon.

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