
Best time to travel to Chile

Marble Caves or Cuevas de Mármol in Chile 2025-2026

This 6,000-year-old formation of marble caverns is washed with turquoise blue waters

Best time: September–February

​Chilean Patagonia is home to the most beautiful caves found in the world, without exaggeration! The 6,000-year-old stunning cave network known as the Marble Caves or Cuevas de Mármol is located on the peninsula consisting entirely of marble and washed with the deep blue waters of the glacial Lake General Carrera on the border between Chile and Argentina.

The area is particularly beautiful in early spring during the ice melt, when water colour is enchantingly turquoise, and also in summer which boasts amazing deep blue hues. The site is accessible only by boat, but the spectacle is worth your efforts.

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