
Best season to travel to Malta

Chayote in Malta 2025-2026

Try the taste of potato, apple, or cucumber in one fruit

Best time: October–January

What Is Chayote? It is an unusual, pear-shaped fruit also known as "Mexican Cucumber." It came to Malta from Central America, where it has its name ''chayotli'' and means "gourd covered with thorns." Some may know this fruit as Buddha’s hand melon. It has a thin green skin fused with the white flesh and a single big, flat core.

Those who have tried it say it is like a cross between a potato, an apple, and a cucumber, although the seed has a nutty flavour. Chayote is used in different ways - raw, steamed, boiled, baked, stuffed, fried, added to salads or sauces, or marinated with lemon or lime.

In Malta, the harvest season lasts from October to January.

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