Best time to go to Puerto Rico

La Campechada 2023 in Puerto Rico

City streets turn into a theater, an art gallery or a circus

Dates: February 18–19, 2023

La Campechada
Calle Fortaleza, San Juan

La Campechada is the annual art fair that features artists, poets, dancers, and musicians performing right on the streets. The largest art fair in Puerto Rico takes place in May or November. San Juan hosts the event most often. However, it also travels to other towns. The main highlights of La Campechada include an art fair, a book fair, a crafts fair, live music concerts, and theater performances. There are also guided walks, workshops, drawing sessions hosted by artists, and much more.

Every edition of La Campechada is dedicated to an outstanding Puerto Rican artist who inspires new generations of Puerto Rican creators. This has been a tradition since the first Campechada in 2011, which was dedicated to the painter José Campeche y Jordán. Such painters as Francisco Oller, Rafael Tufiño, Myrna Báez, Rafael Ríos Rey and Elizam Escobar have also been featured during La Campechada, as well as the musician Juan Morel Campos and the writer Abelardo Díaz Alfaro.

A unique blend of theater, painting, music, and literature helps bring art closer to people on the streets. There are also many educational events meant to engage students and children. La Campechada is the best time to discover the culture of Puerto Rico, meet its most creative people, and admire their works.

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