Best time to go to Maldives

National Day 2023 in Maldives

Heavily ceremonial festivities include military parades, flag-raising performances, and political speeches

Dates: October 16–17, 2023

National Day in Maldives commemorates an ancient struggle with Portuguese invaders who reigned over the islands for 15 years from 1558 up to 1573. In the long run, Muhamadhu Thakurufaanu defeated the Portuguese, drove them out of the country, became the Sultan of the archipelago, and restored Islam. Locals celebrate the festival with military parades—distinctively pompous and ceremonial in nature. These parades go along with flag-hoisting demonstrations, children's performances, and of course, fervent political speeches.

National Day is usually marked by a military parade and flag-raising ceremonies in Malé City, the capital of Maldives. Spectators can watch the parade at the Republic’s Square (Jumhooree Maidhaan) and on the streets of Malé. The date of the National Day in the Maldives varies from year to year but usually, falls on either late November or early December.

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