
Best time to visit New York

Vintage Trains and Buses in New York 2025

It must be programmed in human nature to feel some nostalgy for yesteryear—New York's vintage train on Christmas provides a chance to soothe that pain

Best time: late November–December

Bus No. 9098, a 1958 General Motors TDH 5106, among the first buses outfitted with fiberglass seats. Note the sliding windows rather than the usual pull up sash

Until time machine is not invented, a vintage train in New York city's subway is a nice alternative. It comes to life between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The train from the 20th century carries the passengers between Manhattan and Queens. Padded chairs, ceiling fans, incandescent light bulbs and oldWrigley’s spearmint ads shift you back into some 30s and 70s.

In addition to old-fashioned equipment and vintage ads some locals dress up in vintage clothes, play music and dance right along the subway platforms, which contributes to the romantic atmosphere of yesteryear.

Outside the holidays vintage cars are observed at the Transit Museum. But simply watching them can't be compared to the ride.

Besides vintage subway, you're welcome for a ride by vintage buses that also operate during Christmas holidays. So if you happen to visit New York during the holiday season, don't miss the chance to try these rare atmospheric experiences.

The vintage rides are available on selected days starting from Thanksgiving Day, usually on Sundays, but may be also on weekdays. To make sure that you don't come in vain, better check the operating days beforehand—this information is provided by MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) on their website.

We suggest you check the MTA official website to make sure vintage buses are running this year. Also, you can use the map below offering the best accommodation nearby.

Practical info

Find hotels and airbnbs near Vintage Trains and Buses (Map)

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