Best time to travel to Galapagos Islands

Best Chance of Spotting Elusive Owls in Galapagos Islands

Genovesa island is an awesome place to meet the elusive owls

Best time: June–July

Best Chance of Spotting Elusive Owls
Best Chance of Spotting Elusive Owls

The Galapagos Islands is home to short-eared owls, so if you are fascinated by these mighty and superb animals your best place to see them is Genovesa Island. The best time to spot the owls is from June to July when the animals have a mating season.

Practical info

What type of owl is found on Galapagos Islands?

The Galapagos Islands are home to short-eared owls. These majestic creatures can grow to up to 14 inches in length and have a wingspan of about 33 inches. Short-eared owls have sharp talons that they use to catch their prey, and they are known for their dark eyes and long wings. Show more

Which island in the Galapagos is the best for spotting elusive owls?

If you want to spot elusive owls in the Galapagos, your best bet is to head to Genovesa Island, also known as Bird Island. Along with short-eared owls, visitors can also see red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, Darwin's finches, frigatebirds, and other bird species known for their unique characteristics. Show more

When can I see short-eared owls' mating season?

As the short-eared owls are most active during their mating season, the best time to witness them in action is from June to July. During this time, visitors can witness their mating dance and aerial displays, which are a sight to behold. Do bring your binoculars to admire these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Show more

Is it easy to spot the elusive short-eared owls at all times of the year?

Because of the short-eared owls' camouflaged plumage, spotting them is usually difficult. However, chances of sighting them are higher during the mating season from June to July when they are more active and come out in the open. Early morning and late afternoon are also good times to spot them in their natural habitat. Show more

What other animals can be seen on Genovesa Island other than the owls?

Genovesa Island is home to several species of wildlife other than the elusive short-eared owl. Visitors will find the red-footed booby - an endemic to the island, swallow-tailed gulls, Darwin's finches, Nazca boobies, frigatebirds, and storm petrels among others. Besides birds, the island is also home to sea lions, fur seals, and marine iguanas. Show more

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