Best time to visit Greece

Climbing Mount Olympus in Greece 2024

You don't need to be a Greek god to climb Mount Olympus

Best time: May–October

Climbing Mount Olympus
Climbing Mount Olympus
Climbing Mount Olympus
Climbing Mount Olympus

Mount Olympus is not only part of Greek mythology, it is a real mountain peak that can be ascended by both beginners and professionals. According to legend, Mount Olympus was the residence of all the Greek gods. 2,917 m higher than all mortals, they ruled the world and people's destinies.

Aside from its historical importance, it is the best hiking destination in the country and one of the highest mountains of Europe. With its 160 km of trails, visitors have a variety of options and places to visit from the highest peak Mytikas to Skolio or even the home of Zeus—Stefani. It is especially beautiful during sunrise, when everything turns pink.

The period from May to October is recommended as the best season for an unforgettable 2-3 day hike.

Practical info

When is the best time to hike Mount Olympus in Greece?

Hiking Mount Olympus in Greece is best done between May and October when the weather is warm and dry. It’s easy to navigate the mountain during these months because there’s no snow cover. However, during the months of November to April, the mountain is snow-capped with ice-covered paths, making it difficult and dangerous to hike through. During the summer months, there’s an influx of tourists, making it necessary to book in advance or plan the hike during weekdays. Show more

What is the recommended duration for a hike on Mount Olympus?

The ideal duration of a hike on Mount Olympus will depend on the hiker’s energy and time. For most people, a two-day hike is recommended with an overnight stay on the mountain. Hikers usually break up the ascent into two different days, with the first day for an early start and the second day for descending. Skolio typically takes a day to complete, while those new to hiking can take more time to adjust to the pace and elevation. Show more

Where can I find the trailheads for hiking Mount Olympus?

If you plan to hike Mount Olympus, the primary trailhead originates from Litochoro, a small town at the base of the mountain. The Enippeas Gorge and the Memorial of the Swiss School are usually the passage to most trails, and climbers have to pay an entrance fee. Although Gortsia is an option, it’s not the standard starting point. A map and navigation tools are essential in navigating the mountain to avoid losing track on the way. Show more

What are some recommended hiking routes to take on Mount Olympus?

The Classic route and the E4 trail are the main hiking routes to take up the mountain. Hikers may use the Classic route from Litochoro, which leads through the Enippeas Gorge and the Plateau of Muses. The E4 trail, on the other hand, leads from Gortsia to the Spilios Agapitos refuge. Both paths merge to reach the summit. Several other hiking routes, such as the Lemosho route, are available, but most hikers prefer the Classic or E4 route for an excellent hiking experience. Show more

Are there any dangers or safety concerns when hiking Mount Olympus?

Hiking Mount Olympus entails several safety concerns to ensure a safe hike. Hikers should be mindful of the unpredictable weather, sudden storms, and must have adequate waterproof clothing and dress in layers. Extra attention must also be given when hiking through snow and ice-covered paths, with hikers taking breaks and hydrating regularly due to the high elevation. Hikers should not exceed their fitness level and adhere to the environment's code by respecting the rules, such as no open fires and proper waste disposal methods. Show more

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Last updated:
Authors: Olha Savych