Best time to visit Bolivia

Hiking in Bolivia 2024

Hiking from the lush green subtropics to glacial mountain peaks you can enjoy the full palette of nature's colours

Best time: May–September


Have you heard of the so-called Inca trails? These are three paths including Yunga Cruz, Takesi, and the Choro which descend from the glacial summits of the Cordillera Real to the subtropics of Yungas. Among endless Bolivian hiking routes, these are the most captivating. Do not forget that Bolivia is full of striking contrasts: one day you step deep into the snow, the next – green moss and lush vegetation soften the ground under your feet. So you have to be prepared for everything and take an extra pair of shoes and clothes. The hiking season falls on the dry months from May to September. Mind that June and July are the coldest months in the Bolivian highlands.​

Practical info

When is the best time to go hiking in Bolivia?

To have an enjoyable hiking experience in Bolivia, it is recommended to hike between May and September when it is drier and the trails are less muddy. However, the temperature during June and July can be cold in the highlands, so it's better to carry warm clothing. December to March should be avoided as it is rainy, creating muddy and slippery trails. Show more

Which are the most popular hiking routes in Bolivia?

Inca trails, including Yunga Cruz, Takesi, and the Choro, are the most favored hiking routes in Bolivia. These trails display nature's colors ranging from lush greens to deep snow while descending from the Cordillera Real's glacial peaks to the subtropics of Yungas. Other frequently trekked routes are Cerro Rico, Tunari, and Sorata. Show more

What type of weather should I expect while hiking in Bolivia?

Weather in Bolivia differs based on altitude and region. The highlands are dry and cold, dropping below zero degrees Celsius at night. In contrast, the lowlands have a humid and warm climate with occasional rainfall. It is necessary to pack suitable clothing, including waterproof jackets, warm jackets, gloves, and hats. As mountain weather can be unpredictable, it is best to be prepared for all possible conditions. Show more

Do I need to carry extra clothes while hiking in Bolivia?

It is crucial to carry extra clothes while hiking in Bolivia due to the unpredictable weather. It is recommended to pack a waterproof jacket, warm clothing, an extra pair of shoes, and sufficient water and snacks to stay hydrated. Additionally, hiking trails in Bolivia can be slippery and muddy, making it imperative to wear the right gear to avoid accidents. Show more

What kind of terrain should I expect while hiking in Bolivia?

Terrain for hiking in Bolivia ranges from subtropical rainforests to glacial mountain peaks. Notably, steep ascents and descents make the Inca trails captivating, displaying nature's impressive range of colors. Some hiking areas, such as Cerro Rico, have mining paths, while others like Illampu have icy mountains. It is wise to research the trails beforehand and choose a route that suits individual preferences and fitness levels. Show more

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