Best time to go to South Korea

Gimje Horizon Festival 2023 in South Korea

If you've never tried anything like maneuvering a cart driven by a cow, or catching grasshoopers, this festival offers some new funny experiences

Dates: October 5–9, 2023

Gimje Horizon Festival
Gimje Horizon Festival
Gimje Horizon Festival

The Gimje Horizon Festival is the celebration of the best of Korea's agriculture. Festivities take place in Gimji-si, Jeollabuk Province, known for being the largest granary of the country, and its main pride is rice production.

Festive-goers are offered to try a range of hands-on activities. In particular, you'll be able to harvest rice, and maneuvre a cart driven by a horse or a cow. Besides farming activities, there will be some funny ones like catching grasshoopers. After all, the very beautiful natural environment of the area makes the festival well worth attending.

Festivities stretch over a couple of days usually in late September to early October.

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