Best time to go to Copenhagen

Hubertusjagt 2024 in Copenhagen

Tens of thousands come to see annual fox hunt and ride, an amusing long-established tradition from 1900, and don't worry—not a single animal is going to suffer

Dates: November 3, 2024


On the first Sunday in November tens of thousands descend to the colourful Deer Park to watch 160 horse riders dressed up in traditional red jackets racing after two foxes also wearing red jackets. In fact, it used to be real fox hunt originally, but today the animals are replaced with a couple of the most skilful horse riders with fox tails attached to the backs of their jackets. The race is up to 15 kilometres long with around 30 obstacles en route the horses have to overcome.

Most of them are hurdles, however, the most complicated part of the race is Hubertusjagt or The Magasin Pond. It's only 20 to 30 centimetres deep, which might not sound particularly challenging, yet it actually is, and cold water and mud makes it even worse. A few riders usually fall off the horse backs while crossing the pond, that's always quite a spectacle for the visitors surrounding Hubertusjagt.

Wide Deer Park is a great location for such an event, and particularly in early November, riders' jacket colour perfectly suits the autumnal foliage. The races normally begin in the morning and last for several hours, including breaks. That allows the visitors to come around the park, and observe different parts of the competition. Festive treats deserve a separate praise.

Since 1990 when Hubertusjagt took place for the first time, this has been held annually with a few exceptions only during the Second world war.

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