Best time to go to Cambodia

Angkor Wat International Half Marathon 2023, Cambodia

Enjoy a run inside the largest religious monument in the world—Angkor Wat

Dates: December 3, 2023

Angkor Wat International Half Marathon
Angkor Wat International Half Marathon
Angkor Wat International Half Marathon

Whether you are a professional runner or a beginner you will find the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon one of the most exciting sport events in Asia. The race takes place in the ruins of Angkor Wat, a World heritage Site designated by UNESCO in 1992. Runners from all over the world take part in the event to support the victims of land mine​s in Cambodia. The event makes a great impact on the local community and the participants since it gives a great chance to see one of the most famous temples in the world. If you want to experience other running events in Cambodia, you can also check the Phnom Penh Int’l Half Marathon and the Angkor Empire Full & Half Marathon taking place in summer, or Sihanoukville Int’l Half Marathon usually happening in spring.

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