Best time to go to Montenegro

Podgorica Marathon 2023 in Montenegro

The marathon in Podgorica welcomes you every October. Even if you are not strong runner, just try, taking part is more important than winning

Dates: November 5, 2023

Podgorica Marathon
Podgorica Marathon

Marathons are a great opportunity to see new places for those who like sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. Well, one more place to visit is Podgorica. Every October the capital of Montenegro invites you to run a real marathon. As usual, there are several options: a full track with a length of 42.2 kilometers, a half-track of 21 kilometers and two “satisfaction races” of 10 and 5 kilometers. The full track is circular; it starts and finishes in Podgorica and passes through Golubovici and Tuzi. The road is asphalt, so it is easy to run. Moreover, it is not necessary to apply for the Podgorica marathon beforehand – you can register for it right before the start.

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