
Best time to go to Dominican Republic

Procigar 2025 in Dominican Republic

Learn the tobacco rolling craft in cigars capital of the world

Dates: February 16-21, 2025

La Aurora factory at the Leon Jimenez Cultural Center in Santiago

Fertile soil and tropical climate made the Dominican Republic a perfect spot for tobacco growing. Since the 16th century, it has been one of the top industries that the country is proud of and recognized. Nowadays, the Dominican Republic holds the title of the world's largest cigar producer. So, it's impossible to understand the Dominican culture without its cigars.

Cigar Creation Process

Indigenous people, The Tainos, cultivated tobacco on these lands for centuries. The process of creating an aromatic and flavourful cigar depends on many factors like sunlight, heat, drainage, and even hurricanes, which are possible here. That's why, just like wine, cigars vary in their blend, aging, and spiciness.

Procigar Festival

Although cigars are available all year long, the country's major Festival, Procigar, gathers all brands under one roof. Since 1992 festival presents awarded winning manufacturers who distribute their products to over 60 countries around the globe. Among best sellers Davidoff, General Cigar Company, Arturo Fuente Cigars, Tabacalera La Alianza, etc. The Festival offers a remarkable experience in the cigar industry, blending education, entertainment, and access to an impressive selection of exclusive premium cigars. It celebrates and enhances the Dominican tobacco industry's reputation as a leading exporter of the world’s finest cigars.

Event Highlights

The event begins in La Romana, located on the eastern coast, home to the largest cigar factory, Tabacalera de García, and continues in Santiago de los Caballeros, renowned as the cigar capital of the world. Participants can enjoy a circuit of guided tours, offering exclusive access to premium cigar factories and tobacco fields, as well as leisure experiences highlighting the beauty and culture of the Dominican Republic. Each day concludes with an elegant dinner, where over 800 national and international guests come together to celebrate the rich heritage of the Dominican tobacco industry.


Tastings, presentations, and workshops last for a whole week. The Festival is usually held in February. This year, it will take place on February 16-21, 2025.


To book the complete itinerary for Santiago (February 18–21), the total fee is $2,250 after a $250 discount, covering all tours, meals, dinners, and a goodie bag. Participation in the La Romana portion requires booking an all-inclusive package at Casa de Campo Resort, which provides access to Festival events, a tour of Tabacalera de García, and ground transportation to Santiago. Individual activities in Santiago are available for separate fees, including day tours ($300 each), dinners ($400–$600), and the Warm-Up Festival ($100).

Practical info

External resources

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