Best time to travel to Madagascar

Indri Lemur in Madagascar 2025

Indri lemurs sing like whales, care like humans, sunbathe like tourists and look like panda

Best time: May–June

Indri Lemur
Indri Lemur

Indri lemurs are considered to be similar to humans. They remain monogamous until their mate’s death. Furthermore, males assist females in bringing up their offsprings. Also, Indri lemurs like sunbathing. After the sunrise they choose sunny branches and sit on them with their legs crossed and their hands on the laps.

Indri lemur is the largest lemur species in Madagascar. Their numbers are currently declining due to the loss of habitat. They don't survive in captivity. Its natural habitat is rainforests in the east of the island, in particular, Analamazoatra Reserve, which is part of Andasibe-Mantadia National Park. The best of Indris may be seen during their breeding season in May or June. Despite their large size they can be rarely seen on land so keep your head up. This diurnal lemur can make barking or hissing sounds.

Practical info

When is the best time to travel to see Indri lemurs in Madagascar?

The breeding season for Indri lemurs occurs in May or June, which is the best time to visit the country to see them. During this period, they become more active and easier to spot, making it ideal for tourists to explore the natural habitats of these creatures. Visitors can explore the national parks surrounding the rainforests in the east of Madagascar, where these lemurs reside. The dry season (April to October) is also recommended, as it is less humid and has less rainfall, making it easier to explore the forests. Show more

In which area can Indri lemurs be found in Madagascar?

Madagascar's Indri lemurs make their home in the rainforests found in the eastern part of the country. The Andasibe-Mantadia National Park is a favorite spot to spot these creatures, with the Analamazoatra Reserve offering excellent opportunities to see them in action. The area is roughly three hours from the capital Antananarivo, and has a dense forest ecosystem that enables the lemurs to thrive and stay safe from human activities that threaten their population. Show more

How do male Indri lemurs take part in nurturing their young?

Indri lemurs are among the few primates that display paternal care. Male Indri lemurs are actively involved in looking after their young, carrying them and grooming them. They also take part in defending their offspring against predators in the wild. Both the male and female Indri lemurs have significant roles in raising their young, with the female nursing and carrying them, and the male supporting them by taking over when they are weaned. Show more

When is the breeding season for Indri lemurs in Madagascar, and why is it significant?

Indri lemurs breed between May and June, which is a significant time for them. During this season, Indri lemurs become more active, vocal, playful, and easier to spot, making them a popular attraction for tourists visiting Madagascar. This is also a time when female lemurs find mates and give birth to young. Male Indri lemurs contribute by vocalizing with their distinct baritone song to communicate with one another. Show more

What threats to Indri lemur populations in Madagascar, and why can't they survive in captivity?

Indri lemurs in Madagascar face multiple human-induced threats, including habitat loss and hunting. The growing need for agricultural and developmental land continues to diminish their habitats, impact the availability of food, and affect the population. Moreover, their dietary and social preferences make it difficult for them to survive in captivity, as they are highly specific; they only consume specific leaves and remain faithful to one mate for life. Therefore, efforts to conserve Indri lemur populations primarily focus on habitat restoration. Show more

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