Best time to travel to Victoria

Wombat Watching in Victoria 2024

This is another of Australia's miracles

Best time: April–July

Wombat Watching
Wombat Watching

Wombats outwardly resemble small bears. They have strong and short limbs and a compact body. They have small eyes, a short tail and a large head... and beautiful soft fur. Most of the life of wombats is carried out underground. In search of food, wombats go out at night, and in the daytime they sleep in their shelters. But to see them is still possible, and not only in Melbourne Zoo and Healesville Sanctuary.

If you would like to spot wombats in the wild, head to Wilsons Promontory National Park in Gippsland or Tower Hill Reserve on the Great Ocean Road. Usually, it's easier to see them at dusk when they get out of their burrows.

When autumn and winter come, wombats come out to bask in the sun. The most optimal months for observing wombats in the daytime are April-July.

Practical info

When is the best time to spot wombats in Victoria?

The optimal time to observe wombats in Victoria is from April to July during autumn and winter. These are the peak times when they are active during the day and can be easily spotted basking in the sun. Show more

Where are the best locations to see wombats in the wild?

Wilsons Promontory National Park in Gippsland and Tower Hill Reserve on the Great Ocean Road are highly recommended locations to spot wombats. Dawn and dusk are the ideal times to spot them as they come out of their burrows to forage. Due to their significant population in these areas, there is a higher chance of seeing them. Show more

What are the physical characteristics of wombats?

Wombats are small marsupials that resemble bears, featuring compact bodies, large heads, small eyes, and soft brown or gray fur. They have strong legs that are designed for digging, and they use them to create burrow systems. Wombats are herbivorous animals, feeding on grass, bark, and roots. Being marsupials, they carry their young in a pouch. Show more

How do wombats behave in the wild?

Wombats are nocturnal and often spend their day sleeping in their underground burrows. They emerge during dawn and dusk in search of grass, their primary food. Their burrow systems can extend over 100ft and can be as deep as 16ft. Wombats are solitary animals, except during mating season. Show more

What is the difference between seeing wombats in a sanctuary versus in the wild?

Sanctuaries offer a safe and controlled environment for wombats to thrive, protected from predators and receiving medical attention when needed. While wombats in sanctuaries are well-cared for and fed, they may be less active than those in the wild. Observing wombats in the wild offers a unique and valuable experience to observe these animals in their natural habitat. Show more

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