Best time to travel to Argentina

Penguins in Argentina 2024-2025

With the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere, Argentina becomes home to a huge Magellanic Penguin colony

Best time: November–mid-April


Every year the Magellanic Penguins come to the shore of Argentinian Patagonia to nest, mate, incubate their eggs, feed their offsprings and prepare them for migration. Near Puerto Madryn you'll find the Peninsula of Punta Tombo which also is a penguin reserve.

The peninsula is essentially a 3-kilometre long and 600-metre wide rock formation, covered in sand, gravel and clay. Here the penguins make their nests and later in October lay eggs. Usually, the females lay two eggs each of which needs 40 days of incubation. Both the male and female take part in the incubation process as well as in feeding the chicks later after they hatch.

After November, when chicks hatch, visiting the colony is especially a good idea since you can watch millions of penguins running around in search of their babies, feeding them and teaching them some basic penguin skills. This continues until March when the colony that consists of almost a million penguins becomes even larger and migrates for the winter months.

Practical info

When is the best time to see the penguins in Argentina?

The Magellanic Penguin colony in Argentina can be seen between November and mid-April. Spring in the Southern Hemisphere marks the arrival of these penguins at the shore of Argentinian Patagonia, where they nest, mate, incubate their eggs and feed their chicks. November marks the best time to see the million penguins running around, searching for their babies, feeding and teaching them some basic survival skills. Show more

Where can one find the penguin colony in Argentina?

The penguin colony can be found in the province of Chubut, Argentina on the Peninsula of Punta Tombo near Puerto Madryn. The peninsula is about 3-kilometres long, 600-metres wide and covered with sand, gravel, and clay. Here, almost a million Magellanic Penguins come to establish their nests, mate, incubate, feed and prepare their chicks migration every year. Show more

How large is the peak penguin colony size in Argentina?

The peak penguin colony size in Argentina consists of around a million Magellanic Penguins. The Peninsula of Punta Tombo, where they nest and establish their colony, is a sandy, gravel and clay formation that is about 3-kilometres long and 600-metres wide. Millions of penguins running around after hatching of chicks can be observed from November, searching for their chicks, feeding and teaching them essential skills required for survival. Show more

What is the penguins' approach to incubation and feeding?

Both the female and male penguins incubate the eggs for 40 days and feed their chicks. Both parents take turns in both incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks after hatching. They have an efficient system that ensures both parents can sufficiently hatch and feed both their young chicks to fruition. Show more

Are there other wildlife species beside penguins found in the region of Patagonia?

Yes, there is an array of other wildlife species found in Patagonia besides penguins. The region boasts diverse fauna such as sea lions, whales, guanacos, and multiple bird species like cormorants and seagulls. Patagonia's desert is fascinating with lots of species adapted to life in arid conditions, including armadillos, foxes, and Andean condors. This broad mix of wildlife makes Patagonia an alluring destination, especially for nature enthusiasts. Show more

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