
Best time to travel to Peru

Birdwatching in Peru 2025

About one fifth of all bird species on Earth can be found in Peru

Best time: October–November

Gallito de las rocas, Bosque Nublado near Pilcopata, Peru
Red-crested cotinga, Bosque Nublado near Pilcopata, Peru
Atrapamoscas, Bosque Nublado near Pilcopata, Peru
Slate-crowned Antpitta spotted in Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
Canopy Watchtower in rainforest near Iquito, Perú

This country is a paradise for those seeking great biodiversity, untouched nature, and even more, undiscovered species. As for birds, Peru is inhabited by approximately 19% of the total bird species on Earth.

Unfortunately, there is no single place where you can arrive and see all birds in a few days. In order to meet as many as possible you have to cross the whole country from beach resorts to the Amazon valley and up to the foothills of the Andes, as each region on is proud of its own birds and some are not that easy to spot. It may take months. So to get the best of birdwatching in Peru you should plan the journey for October and November during the breeding season. There are also several places, where the majority of species can be met.

The Chiclayo-Cajamarca circuit starts near the coast and is evidently the most popular destination for birdwatching. It isn't only rewarding in terms of species to meet, but it has well-planned accommodation services on the way. The most sought after species on this circuit are marvellous spatuletails, long-whiskered owlets, pale-billed antpittas, chestnut-baked thornbirds, and others.

Rainforest lodges around Iquito are a must when you want to observe Amazon birds and look for comfort, though it can be quite expensive. ExplorNapo runs a canopy walk which takes you closer to tree-top birds. Tahuayo and Muyuna Lodges are located close to river islands and their own specific fauna.

Also pay attention to another good options for birdwatching such as Islas Ballestas, Colca Canyon, Manu National Park or Tambopata National Reserve

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